so I got this friend right, a real diamond geezer and get this hes a prince in his home country of Nigeria b:surprised anyway hes got like a bazillion dollars n tryin to flee hi b:shutup no wait genuine offer! Buy one get the second full price! Welcome to the internet b:pleased
I have a feeling that this Is actually a known bug (possibly) YOU DO need craftsmen not tailor to decomp a necklace BUT it should state this in the decomp window. There are some items in this game that will not decompose irrelevant of your trade skills and usually give the message "Invalid Service Request" Send another Bug…
b:chuckle heh good laugh so I was just wondering is this.. 1: OP thought you could legally buy gold from other sites (safely) ? 2: OP posted someone elses misfortune/stupidity ? 3: OP is some kind of subtle troll? 4: OP actually thought that was official pwi site? 5: OP got hijack/virus/hoaxed in to being redirected there?…
Thanks :D gonna buy nice elemental gem when i decide which one :)
I installed some international and regional fonts on to the system and updated my xorg.conf with them as well as compiling wine with fontconfig support this seemed to solve the problem
hope you get record workin , i saw the bug strangly xvidcap doesnt have any save options just dumps it in your home directory with something like test-0001.mpeg
what distro are you using out of interest ? :)