dimi3 Arc User



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  • as far as i know higher lvl jstu allowes u to craft higher equipment...i got crappy weapons and armor with lvl 7 as well...so no difference
  • never tried it so dunno
  • are u even sane? that disgusting....and i thougth so far the QQ trheads of tideborns replacing the regular classes are the worst or the gold price lowering but this.......
  • Guys i don't understand why you are whining??....of course i'd be nice but jsut think about ti ....tis really cheap compared to other games. i played a game ...that is considered(statistics) as one of the best MMOs ....welll for one exp charm....i had to pay about 8€ jsut for one hour.....trust me i could grind in pwi for…
  • first of alll BMs would be way to strong if the dex --> dmg increase would work for them too.....overpowerde since they get dex and str.... next point....wouldn't make sense making an assasin if dex wouldn't be only for daggers and if bms would be able to use daggers, too....just thinking logically......if if that would be…
  • yeah thought so....just didn't feel like digging trhough posts......i don't even play barbs....not my style.....just came up with that randomly
  • you should see the video: trust me with these skills(some only at lvl 1 as he said) we will be able to kill bms....like archers do^^....with these there are so many options. the more i read the more i want to play....can't wait dammit. and btw stop QQ already..there are so many posts(and i know i'm repeating it again) bout…
  • Hi, I've got a question. Is it possible to join your guild even though i'm only 18? I know it doesn't meet the requirements but I really wanted to join since every guild i've been in so far(not only on PWI) had dramas and arguments owerflowing the guild chat. always conflicts. I'm already tired of this whole.... . so i…
  • already posted on your site.pls read there
  • there are still others places with vll 1 mobs...i'll just switch and lvl there. so i guess lagg wont be a prob...of course if there will eb a 2x exp event....that could become difficult,too. jsut curious what the races will be like. since the assasin is the reason i started playing again.
  • obviously not if it says so....try to read ur msg
  • well first of all...did u ever had an archer higher than lvl 80?...they own!! of course they#re not the best but with theier cris and pure dex builds they kill pretty much everything, njot to mention the demon skills. even barbs weren't a prob for me8not everyone) some were persistent but archers do have mag skills. so the…
  • sry for double post. well the second problm with the log in is solved......still had 11 minutes left of my exp scroll lol...but i still dunno what to do with the cell phone especially since vodafone was listed in the list of possible connections...
  • hey thats a good point....now i'm almost certain they will make it count for dagger....otherwise i could make a bm as u said^^
  • well the prob with the stats is the dex attributes in itself.....se dex only rises the range dmg, for an archer....tis the perfect choice(thats why i think btw an archer is the most easiest chara to play...but maybe tis just because i paled it for so long) so an assasin will have to put stats on str to get his…
  • the prob sit dex...u know when i first got the mail bout the expansion i thought " whoa cool....assasin is my type since i played archer for a long time, so tis kinda the same except range" well...same my ****...dex only rises the range attck power...so an assasin would need str to fight properly...archer didn't have the…
  • since i have lots of experience with archers i'll make a male assasin....to be honest thats the only reason i came back to play this game and it seems its was a good joice. the game is even better tha before....can't wait to see the expansion....this game is definetly the best mmorpg..sry back to topic.....skill and play…
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