This game is old it wasn't on purpose im sure they just don't care and everyone keep paying them money even with the problems so they can continue working on their other games.
I believe tht might be OHT armor not fashion
In other words by time we notice its broken it'll be too late to do anything about it =3
Login event is entirely broken for me on every account haven't gotten anything from it yet at all =x
Twilight Temple~dced 18 times after nw as well as over half my faction and the server finally logged an alternate toon on accnt for a few minutes and then relogged my veno and it seems to be holding for now fix your potatoe server :'(
No.............just no!
Yeah totally in fact i couldve sworn i saw DA server peepz declaring if we wanted to win tht was how it should be done on Friday in World Chat too so they can thank themselves for motivating the other servers to consider it lolz
they fixed the their pockets lolz