R.I.P. Dragon Conquest - Please PWI fix it!



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  • Posts: 328 Arc User
    if you would use half of the time to actually improve your gameplay or discuss how to teamplay as a squad, you would not have to get farmed in crisis B Team, spara ;)

  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited May 2018
    OK that's enough.

    I'll raise this. I'm hoping to see this for my self on Sat night. Not had this yet.

    Dragons Conquest has raised flags in the past so I'll have to have a look over that as well.

    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    OK that's enough.

    I'll raise this. I'm hoping to see this for my self on Sat night. Not had this yet.

    Dragons Conquest has raised flags in the past so I'll have to have a look over that as well.


    there is a full thread as support asked in QA section can you please link that thread to whoever is the staff? much appreciated
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  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    Don't bother Heero, you are wasting your time. PWE clearly no longer cares enough to address these issues.

    As for the trolls trying to flamebait me, just lol

    You really think I care about your insults?!? xDDDDDD

    You aren't even worth thinking up a decent insult in return :) xox

    ^Typical response from someone who lost an argument :'). - btw, not sure about you, but i don't think anyone would throw the chance of receiving 5b worth of free gear away. 5b is 5b regardless of how well geared you are.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Haha deleted my comment.

    Heeroy you'll never be in a faction strong enough to have the chance to witness a bum rush to the dragon, unless you decide to show 60 people to 20 like usual.

    You'll have to watch it on YT if you want to witness it.
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
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  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    sontzu wrote: »
    Don't bother Heero, you are wasting your time. PWE clearly no longer cares enough to address these issues.

    As for the trolls trying to flamebait me, just lol

    You really think I care about your insults?!? xDDDDDD

    You aren't even worth thinking up a decent insult in return :) xox


    Someone has to try ay.

  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    Some people in this thread are being extremely ridiculous and narrow-minded...examples are:

    Most people will quit if they don't fix xTW, it's the only reason they even log. - So some ppl legit spend thousands of dollars to play a game for max 2 hours a week? Sounds legit. Those people have already moved on from the game anyways. Let's be honest here.

    Some ppl are implying that xTW is the only form of competitive and challenging PvP left in the game - This is just dumb, sorry, but not sorry. I have explained it in detail already. Everyone has a wide, open door to make balanced PvP happen every, single time they please. PvP even, that requires real skill and isn't a random, braindead clown fiesta like xTW.

    xTW in general is broken beyond repair. Not the strongest faction win, oh NO! The faction with the most luck wins. If we revert back to pure PvP even and vindi now gets fully focused by the Top 5 factions every single week, for 3 weeks now (which is possible), then they wouldn't win the season anyways, especially if Crisis can AFK most of the weeks. Very much skill needed INDEED! IF you want balanced PvP, equalize your gear, do a 10v10 in a rainbow-Squad. All the same classes and as close in gear as possible. Then we can talk about skill. In regular PvP there are so many unfair factors that would significantly hinder the true usage of "Skill" and even in such 10v10..people could just focus the best player and then there is nothing that one dude can do and where does this leave us? EXACTLY! 1v1 FTW.

    People do not want balanced and competitive PvP. They want to dominate. They wanna win. Nothing else. How dare a majority of people to claim that they are skilled when their total experience is purely based on imbalanced types of PvP? This is something I will never understand. IF you, like only a few do, actually know how to play every, single class, know how to play vs every, single class with and as every, single class on your own and in a team. YES, then you can claim that you are skilled. This does not apply to 99% of the playerbase, doesn't even matter in which faction they are. Most people neglect the experience and knowledge/prowess you can gain from 1v1 and call it stupid and pointless, yet they can hardly pin down even a single target efficiently and cannot utilize the maximum Damage-output and skill rotations. IF you lack this experience then you are not skilled at all, sorry to say, but that's just how it goes. True mastery of a class can only be achieved by experiencing anything. Just feeling great that your overgeared char can kill anything while not dying at all due to 2 healer-classes perma-supporting you...welp, I define skill a little bit differently.

    There is no reason to even complain about anything regarding xTW when people can't even do the easiest combos with their classes...like DB's still being unable to interrupt Quadrature for maximum efficiency or to even perform a perma, gap-less CC-Lock (which is SOOOO hard on a db...yeah, SO hard), or sins just trip sparking and damage bursting without any sense of CC/overview of the battlefield which often results in their own death or the death of a teammate if the "damage burst" fails due to Def-Charms/procs and so on.

    When people legit wanna talk about skill then I lose my cool. You wouldn't know what skill is even if it bites you in the butt. Most people are way too ignorant to truly achieve mastery of their classes and are blinded by their own egos. Before someone wants to put the Ego-issue on me: I have literally studied every aspect of the game and I don't see myself as a god of any classes. However, if people want to claim to be skilled with not even a fraction of my experience then I call BS. Some can perform well in a team..but get destroyed when you find them alone. Some can't perform in a team but if you meet them alone then you get destroyed (like certain NP duskblades can't :P ). I belong to the latter. I can play with a team but the team mostly can't adapt to my playstyle. Watch my videos..the amount of times I actually get supported are close to non-existent but I somehow still manage to make a difference with my class. You can always adapt and improve but please, let's not talk about skill, okay? Thanks.

    tl;dr: Dragon should be fixed to emphasize on PvP more in xTW but people claiming that the Dragon Rush alone has destroyed xTW are absolutely delusional and should check their facts before spouting out nonsense. Everything is not always just black and white. So enough of my ranting. People can have decent PvP at any time. Not doing so or accepting the forms of balanced PvP we have is their own fault.
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    tl;dr: Dragon should be fixed to emphasize on PvP more in xTW but people claiming that the Dragon Rush alone has destroyed xTW are absolutely delusional and should check their facts before spouting out nonsense. Everything is not always just black and white. So enough of my ranting. People can have decent PvP at any time. Not doing so or accepting the forms of balanced PvP we have is their own fault.

    Considering Et is one of the tamer servers when it comes to PK toxicity, I seriously doubt the more toxic ones are going to find reliable balanced PK on their servers even if they wanted when it seems to have been damn difficult on Et. You are correct on ppl wanting to win and to be able to talk **** cause they happened to win, etc. And this is exactly why you will never see consistent balanced PK on any server. And PK, be it open world or instanced, is what kept this game going. This is why saving instanced PvP is crucial for this game.

    As for the thread itself, I do wish I was able to experience true dragon rushes to better understand the problem. The "innocent we dont do dragon rushes" vindi tried it last weekend against us. Too bad it wasnt even B team but some C team prolly and they got smashed with their platoon pots. I am not trying to talk ****, there was obvious gear gap and I cant see us outgearing vindi in any other scenario. That being said, defending from dragon rush is possible but obviously my example is far from perfect(We had more gear and more ppl) and as such I would love to see what happens when top guilds respond to dragon rush properly - to see if there is actual counterplay or not. If its feasible to defend from the rush, like I would initially imagine, side trying to rush is gonna give hefty kill count lead among massive amounts of map pressure to the defenders if they happen to fail at it.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    There are means and strategies to actually heavily slow down people that are attacking the dragon. Enough to pursue the exact same meanwhile. Weird that this seems to be so hard to figure out when in reality it's all so easy. Vindi just complains because they are unable to formulate a counter-strategy and I most likely already said too much, putting myself at a disadvantage...but I'll be damned, people should really enable their brains sometimes xDD
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  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    dingo488 wrote: »
    My argument is that it isn't too easy to nuke the dragon. My argument is that you made it too easy. If you're stronger than Crisis why not hold back multiple squads to set up a defensive perimeter so this can't happen. If you meet Crisis everywhere they make a move then they won't suddenly show up in your base, why not wait for them to make their move if you're stronger anyway.
    brofisters wrote: »
    You clearly haven't the slightest experience in xtw to be making a statement as absurd as that.


    The ability to to bypass all objectives and completely neglect the PvP aspect of a PvP event is nothing short of bullsh*t. Furthermore, in the example with Vindicate Vs Crisis - Vindicate could keep all 60 members at base to defend and it is IMPOSSIBLE to kill all of Crisis that is rushing in on mounts / 60second faiths on multiple barbs and everyone stacking the Platoon Combat Potion before they deal 40+% dmg on the dragon, and at that point it's not even possible to dragon rush back. The same would probably happen should Vindicate adopt that approach. It is quite literally first faction to touch enemy dragon wins.

  • Posts: 95 Arc User
    easy way to solve this problem remove the outrageous rewards they have for it.. You guys really think some players care how they win? They just want a win by any means.. Make it 1 COM with other stuff as rewards,as you can see Joe doesn't really care he just want the helm. So if that the mind set of just 1 person what do you think about many others
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    shadydawg wrote: »
    easy way to solve this problem remove the outrageous rewards they have for it.. You guys really think some players care how they win? They just want a win by any means.. Make it 1 COM with other stuff as rewards,as you can see Joe doesn't really care he just want the helm. So if that the mind set of just 1 person what do you think about many others

    Eh at this point just end the season vindicate has 1st place secured everyone knows it. There was absolutely no reason to extend it. We all know it’s ganna take Pwi like 2-3 months to mail the rewards anyways. I’m guessing they will change rewards next season to avoid this headache but ofc there will be a q.q fest but tbh the amount of damage this season did to the communities numbers this season has been quite amusing. So many people quit/sold their accounts due to lack of anything fun to do. Remember that 5v5 tourney that was supposed to happen? Even some of those memebers have recently sold their toons lol...

    Post edited by blazerboy on
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
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  • Posts: 202 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    I don't think changing the rewards will change how people approach xTW, if the dragon is nukeable, they will nuke it, end of
    Not sure we will get any fix for xtw in near future. Chinese or Russian servers don't have issues like this one. So, there is no point for devs to fix it asap. Be ready for nukeable dragon for 6-12 months at least.
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Not sure we will get any fix for xtw in near future. Chinese or Russian servers don't have issues like this one. So, there is no point for devs to fix it asap. Be ready for nukeable dragon for 6-12 months at least.

    Rewards weren’t the issue beyond the usual q.q fest it’s unfair RnG. The problem was you can watch 60 ppl run past eachother straight for the dragon for what was intended to be about 30-60min skirmish turn into a roughly 2min PvE race. But let’s all be real the rewards have to be real and decent, how else will certain ppl who are anti social but endgame show up? All in all fix the darn dragon x.x
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    it's funny, a guy saying he does not even play, just loves the forum for whatever, is so darn smart at what happens INGAME lol... say's alot about that person right there hehe..
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    but the fact is that he is right.
    PWE demolished the game by not caring in just the last couple of months, not sure it was on purpose​​
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    This game is old it wasn't on purpose im sure they just don't care and everyone keep paying them money even with the problems so they can continue working on their other games.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    They just need to fix the barb faith. It was supposed to be 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 seconds, according to an old post I believe, but they put it at 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. Its because of this that Dragon Rushes happen.

    Dragon Rush will still happen tho sometimes but it would be a lot riskier.

    I've mentioned before that a mechanic they can try include would be some sort of buff associated with the towers. In my opinion something like a 17.5% damage reduction to Dragons per tower.
    If 4 towers are standing the Dragon will have 70% damage reduction. So if you try to rush the dragon you will only deal 30% of your damage.
    If 3 towers are standing the Dragon will have 52.5% damage reduction
    If 2 towers are standing the Dragon will have 35% damage reduction
    If 1 tower is standing the Dragon will have 17.5% damage reduction
    If ALL towers are destroyed the Dragon will take full skill damage.

    This would switch a focus to killing towers. If you happen to have a no show, it will only increase the time of the fight by a max of 5-10mins while waiting for towers to be destroyed so it wont be detrimental in any way.

    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    how about ending speed buff's, mounts, pot's in that instance or sumthing like dat .. just a hail mary thought or two
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    valdisman wrote: »
    They just need to fix the barb faith. It was supposed to be 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 seconds, according to an old post I believe, but they put it at 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. Its because of this that Dragon Rushes happen.

    This is clearly somebody that haven't played a barb speaking..

    1.- The numbers u've given are the original time that skill was supposed to last (When glyphs were released).
    2.- It got buffed up once, and the regular time most barbs had (for glyph lv 5) was 15 seconds faith.
    CLEARLY 15 seconds faith, with 5min cooldown it's a skill nobody would ever use. It wasn't worth that glyph at all.
    3.- Then third buff came, that makes it last 1min for lv 5 glyph.


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