destinylynne Arc User


  • If your gonna rollback do it already, just decide stop talking about it. Either do it or don't do it, just make a decision. I don't want to sit here doing things to find out that your gonna roll back and I just wasted my time doing things. Don't wait a week from now just get it over with . I don't care either way just tell…
  • Its been a long while and still these quests are not fixed yet. Whats up with that? Not even any info on if they are still working on it, guess they just forgot and don't care. With so many things going wrong, maybe they need to replace the people that are suppose to fix these problems, cause they just keep increasing.
  • character lists still not working. :(
  • Now that I had time to think about it I think the best thing that should have been done is take the totals from where the crash started and award based on that. After that crash way too many people were not able to get on and this allowed for undefended areas. I didn't get very much out of it less then I normally get…
  • I rly hope PWI finds a way to fix this because this sure appeared to be rigged, one nation won by 4x thats is just so wrong. Is PWI trying to get rid of people. I see alot of ppl quiting now because of this. All I want is what is fair not what happened because FROST seemed to be the only nation that was fighting while…