desi Arc User


  • i didn't even have plume shield up lol.. i was just watching u fail if i wanted i could have just slept you out right and one shotted you. so basically what you are saying is you hit me for less than 1/5th my hp and i hit you for your entire hp. b:dirty
  • lol its easier to get more kills on attack especially when 50 percent of your enemy guild is 20 levels below you. serjah actually goes for important people and he has done half as many tws as you b:bye loved the 1200 blade tempest on me in cube today. love that pure int damage on someone around your level huh? sadly my…
  • except just because of the fact that you did not kick your friend in the face hes off in his little corner playing with his **** and turning morbidly obese and causing the entire server to die. damnit i lost the analgoy b:cry but anyway gms need to stop deleting my posts anytime i make fun of dr pepper (i got booted for…
  • demon and sage for casters both is 700 percent demon just gives accelerated channeling and sage gives defense
  • plan lol? you guys started off with some of the highest levels on server and have been sitting on millions of money per week (without being attacked) and the best you came up with is 10 minutes? b:chuckle its not just pepper, its your entire leadership's carebearish anti-confrontational attitude that is costing you all.…
  • how can anyone bet on evo with pepper as leader? this is the same guy with metal sharded equips that talks about killing you and never follows through. i feel sorry for niefer, dj, and the actually decent people in evo. like seriously i bet my level 50 veno can kill him
  • yeah he was 89 but the gms punished him for wearing such scandalous short shorts
  • im arcane lol i just don't use fraire fox amulets in tw b:surrender
  • the majority of the people you killed were way under level 80 lol 500 pdef? ouch. i have 4k pdef and i don't even have stone shield. you know you would get alot more opportunities to take those pretty screenshots if you weren't getting one shotted by everyone left and right lol
  • ^so what you are saying is pking is fun when you are killing low levels and giggling with your friends but not fun when you end up getting killed for being pink while grinding b:chuckle
  • actually it was just me one shotting your cleric and leaving when the bm didn't go white b:surrender as far as reason goes its something to do with the cleric being pink named b:bye too lazy to screenie :( i've hit like 14k+ crits in tw with tempest though. had rl stuff come up or would have done it this tw QQ
  • b:chuckleb:cute
  • its pretty much general knowledge considering people who actually have been in swingers/evo have come out in saying that it's evos alt guild lol half of empire has gone to radiance and the other half is in legion while evo who up until recently was having a tea party finally makes a move in our direction (gee had to use my…
  • so to summarize: -evo attacked empire last week but got **** by empires full force pepper being pepper QQed to empire to let them take the land - empire, evo, and rad now want to team up to take roc off the map - evo was planning on attacking stairway so they can 3 way attack roc with rad and empire - evo attacks another…
  • b:dirtyb:dirty