dburke Arc User


  • If you finished the quests from the pet trainer in City of the Lost, you should get some water for your pet (200 I think). That should more than cover you for a good long while. My suggestion, check over your quests again and finish the ones for the pet trainer. Maybe you can't buy items from the pet trainer until you…
  • FASTEST -Venomancers -Clerics -Archers -Blademaster -Wizard -Barbarian SLOWEST
  • Both characters are good and fun options. Here's a brief rundown and I hope it helps. (Keep in mind I'm a bit biased because I play cleric). Archer * fast hits, high crits, low defenses and hp, great dodge rate- these guys are your typical archer/strider/ranger/whatever you want to call them class. They're fast, deadly,…
  • Ok, the way carrying works is that either character can innitiate the carry. But one char must be male and one must be female. The male always takes control after that point. You can hop onto mounts or fly after carrying someone. You cannot talk to NPCs or interact in any way after the carry starts (except to fly, hop onto…
  • So, on a PvE server, if pk mode is off you cannot pk or be pked? And can only pk or be pked when the pk mode is on? What about item and xp loss for both servers? :Edit: Thank you Zoe for responding :)