darckazuma Arc User


  • For those that said send a ticket u must not have played many MMO... In order for this to be harassment that player must do this multiple times not just 1 or 5x... i'd say about x10 for 2 days atleast then it will be considered harassment so dont waste ur time sending a ticket it wont do anything
  • WoW PWI sure is full of drama LoL :P but yeah some ppl just need to be more considerate to others who find it offensive... Dont get me wrong im all for racist jokes sexual jokes etc... but come on guys if some1 gets offended it means u gone a bit to far specially if u doing it on faction chat. But as far as cursing I mean…
  • Well u all have good points... for ppl who use's oracles go for it if u can spare a few hundred bucks, and for those ppl who oppose it well what can we do it's a part of the game... and some some just dont like to keep grinding, but u know what though eventually ppl who oracle will start to learn thier class and be good at…
  • LmaO well u know ppl will actually buy tons of this and they might be from strong factions in Lost city so yeah... it's gonna be a nice pvp zone haha