danny0 Arc User


  • I find that people who dont ask actually get something out of the help they give. even if it is a big thank you, invite to friend list, help on a quest, Mpot, or what not. personally I feel like if one of my squad dies, than I owe them a rez for not keeping them alive. if some stranger asked me for a rez and they were…
  • 1. go into your sex's clothing department and start putting on as many clothes as possible over your reg clothes. when caught argue about which clothes you came in with. 2. see how long you can stand in the bra section with your hand down your pants. 3. race the handicap carts w/ a friend 4. start a game of red rover in…
  • As anything in life, you will run into obsticles that will stop you from doing whatever it is you want to do. This is very evident in MMOrpgs. What we do when confronted with these obsticles is what defines our character (pardon the pun) You may whine, cry, and eventually die again and again, or you could adapt to your…