dani243 Arc User


  • True. On HT serv theres a 103 barb with rank9 eq, no aps at all. i think i'd be having more fun playing an almost invincible char then an aps one. but thats insane money and i have no patience grinding it out on r9 i mean full R9 full+10 JoSD, 34k hp barb :) my fac leader hahaha
  • Former veno here. By the time i got my herc back in June 2010, lvl 85, TTs were alrdy overfarmed. Then came nirvana, and about a month or 2 passed, then venos became unnecessary there. Thats when i said i had enough and made my sin, which i am proud of. 5.0 sin without any Zen charge. Hard work but was worth it. Now making…