dand007 Arc User


  • Any word on this event from a CM or GM or anyone that has "FACTS" not some lame excuse some people put money in for this event and updating this post by daily would be a great start to letting people know whats going on. Thanks in advance on getting back to the players in a timely manner.
  • Hey sparkie this are alot of over due things you have brought up, tw reset every 4months sounds fair, and public quest should be fix to run smoothly, along with i have some quest that you have removed that when you hit 100 you got and it gave you a free 79 skill or 100skill and i was wondering why you guys took that way.…
  • easter has passed and I'm pretty sure that we got 2x in the past around this time. but just wondering when the next 1 is would be great to know
  • so i don't know how many of you are in factions or rather how many are in a leader/director position. I wanted to say since we are paying 3million coins to have that alliance that maybe it be benifical to everyone and make it so that a allied faction can send members into tw with you to help balance out the R9 and R8 that…