d0nuts Arc User


  • ahahahaha no thx
  • thex if i put items in one banker, can i take out items from another banker in a nother place? (sry, im only asking cause i r grounded from games, and they in other roomm, otherwise id check out for myself)
  • u can use in game coins to buy gold? where and how?
  • lol im not a compolete nub, i no how to turn off the BGM ans effects an stuff, i just had a false hope there was a way to turn off JUST the footstep noise but thx neways and yes, i like to listen to the game sometimes, but i do ocasionally listen to my own music, mostly in certain games tho
    in Omg Wtf Comment by d0nuts October 2008
  • lololololololol ur making it sound like gm's are celebrities w/o privacy dude, get ur head on straight, of course they use thier gm account to play regular wouldnt u?