cyg Arc User


  • Some area's you cant help accidently killing something that another player is going after, take the mine area by Arcosaur. It gets really crowded over there sometimes so i would suggest people getting in to partys if you are going in to an area with a high concentration of players. There is less chance of you kill stealing…
  • I played Fiesta for about 10 months but got bored with low EXP repeat quests to level and people being frankly my whole guild came over to PW.....Best game i have played in a long time!!!
  • Im 40 and only been playing a few week. A few of us came over from Fiesta to play.,Mainly because there were to many kids on there. We have e a few people over 21 in our guild (PG 13) and we use vent so we are always looking for "oldies as my daughter calls" to come and chat and play...look me up on Heavens Tear if…