kill Stealing ?? Rule??

glenno76 Posts: 1 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
Is kill Stealing allowed in perfect world? and if KSing is not allowed who do you report it to and what do you need to prove it!b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
Post edited by glenno76 on


  • Chronon - Lost City
    Chronon - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You can report only if something is against PWI's TOS and that's pretty much only hacking and character names with forbidden words. KS:ing is just rude, nothing else.
  • Vhuntrd - Heavens Tear
    Vhuntrd - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I've been playing this since the closed beta began, and the only KSing I have encountered has been accidental (i.e. a player not seeing me going after a monster, and vice versa). Some people in the forums act like there is an epidemic going on in the game, but from what I have seen, it's pretty much a non-issue.
  • vallove00
    vallove00 Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Agreed with Vhuntrd... Most of the people did not know you are attacking a particular mob... hence, went over to attack it... Especially if you are a Range user, u might often ks people... And if you are a melee character, the opposite way... ppl might 'ks' you...
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    There was another discussion about this on another post and in all honesty, Vallove and Vhuntrd is right. Ranged fighters and magic users rely on their ranged attacks and some takes time to cast, so while a tank or melee fighter is running up to the same target, it may seem like they're trying to steal your kill. There really isn't a rule and actual ks'ers (who are rude) can't really be stopped; well, unless you're 30 or above and if that's the case, then just resort to pvp/pk (if you think you can, that is).

    As for this me, if I accidentally hit your target at the same time you're hitting it or after you, I usually back off. If i hit it first then you hit it, well I consider that mine.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Kalikanor - Heavens Tear
    Kalikanor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sanai01 wrote: »
    As for this me, if I accidentally hit your target at the same time you're hitting it or after you, I usually back off. If i hit it first then you hit it, well I consider that mine.

    i agree if u hit first ur should be your loot, there should be some sort of block in so u get like 30 seconds to collect the loot or its anyones that would be better asuming that there isnt one in place allready
  • produde
    produde Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's really not an issue from my experience. There are players that just let the loot lay there while they continue taking down more mobs. Some players never intend to pick stuff up as they are just grinding....I tell them, " Pick your stuff up if you don't want to lose it." If they don't and just contniue to kill mobs within a reasonable time, I pick it up before it rots...makes me wonder if they have the same attitude in RL.....
  • Ashtad - Sanctuary
    Ashtad - Sanctuary Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yes i think most KS is acidental..i dont know how many time ive started to attack a mob, by the time my pet has started to attack and my spell cast, someone else is attacking it also:) its going to happen when there is no system in place like wow tat tells you that its not your kill:) just going to learn to live with it amd move on:)
  • cyg
    cyg Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Some area's you cant help accidently killing something that another player is going after, take the mine area by Arcosaur. It gets really crowded over there sometimes so i would suggest people getting in to partys if you are going in to an area with a high concentration of players. There is less chance of you kill stealing and you will get your quests done quicker. Im just getting used to playing with partys as i have found if you solo you take longer to kill stuff and people accidently KS what your the end of the day accidents happen...i always say "sorry my fault" if i accidently KS especially with the "speed skill" you get being a you know it you have speeded over to a monster just as an archer or mage lets loose there skill ..if i see anyone KS on purpose i ask them to stop and if they keep on i move and let other know what they are doing. Word gets around fast and they will soon stop when they cant get help with other stuff.
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sanai01 wrote: »
    ... Ranged fighters and magic users rely on their ranged attacks and some takes time to cast,

    Correct, and on top of that I'll usually queue a second spell during the channeling of the first. When those have done their job, the rest is for my pet. I normally stop and call back my pet when I find I am attacking, or about to attack, something that somebody else is working on, but sometimes you find out too late. I see most people reacting in a similar way.
    produde wrote: »
    ... Some players never intend to pick stuff up as they are just grinding...

    Inventories can be full. Especially when collecting herbs and combining quests I may prefer to finish the last couple of kills before going back and selling.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    there should be some sort of block in so u get like 30 seconds to collect the loot or its anyones that would be better asuming that there isnt one in place allready

    I think that would be a good idea. I've played other games where other users cannot pick up your items for a certain amount of time. I don't know how the process works, but I'm sure it's possible. I haven't had much problems with "ks'ers" myself and if and when I do run into one, I'm usually not bothered by it. Unless it's that time of the month, and if that's the case well.... b:angry

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Trianos - Heavens Tear
    Trianos - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    unlike some games, when 2 players attack the same monster (reguardless of who was first), whoever does the most damage gets credit for the kill (if doing a kill quest) and gets to collect all the drops...but the exp+sp are shared proportionately: i.e., if the first player did 80% damage, he gets 80% of the exp+sp.
  • Raerine - Heavens Tear
    Raerine - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ive probably ksed alot of people - and they've done the same for me. Honestly, please keep an open mind and don't be too quick to anger. With these long attacks, it's impossible to really differentiate who's right and wrong. Just move on.
  • miichiin
    miichiin Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    most KSing i encounter is accidental. but several times i've had ppl come up and start attacking a monster that im attacking and been attacking for awhile. and in one case the person wouldn't back off!! i was VERY upset. ppl that purposely KS are so mean b:cry
  • vallove00
    vallove00 Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I thought normally if you kill a mob... it takes sometimes before others can pick up? Coz a few times I tried to pick up some loots (which drop from mobs that not killed by me), but unable to pick up... i need to wait for about 10-15 seconds before I can pick it up...

    Piece of advice: Tried to party when doing quest... At least, even other people ks, it will be in your count too.

    Another advice: Tried to get as many quest as possible... And if you reach the place and found that already people killing the mob u looking for, perhaps find other mobs that is within the area, and is under your quest... If you aren't able to party with them...

    To: miichiin,

    I understand how's that feels... When you are killing a mob, and another came on and hit the mob you are killing. treating you 'transparent'. Normally i will let him kill, and walk away to find other mobs... But of course, my revenge time. I will purposely hit the mob he's trying to hit, and wont run away this time b:victory
  • Celebren - Heavens Tear
    Celebren - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    isnt it in this way here that who got the "first shot / strike" gets the loot and also those quest itmes (if needed) ?
    So this shouldnt be a problem getting the items one needs for finishing quest.
    xps are parted on damge count, but so xps from mobs are so low most times that its really no matter if another gets 5 xps and i get at least only 17 instead of 22.

    For myself i have no problem if another one is attacking same mob then i do after i started. Sometimes when i notice that a ppl is heavy fighting and cant really kill the mob i step in and help him a bit with 1 or 2 shots to get mob's hp down and then let the other ppl do the rest.

    when i start to attack a mob and notice that there is one also attking same one i most times step back and let him / her kill and look for another one..
    justice might be blind - but i also see in darkness
  • Tvali - Lost City
    Tvali - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    isnt it in this way here that who got the "first shot / strike" gets the loot and also those quest itmes (if needed) ?
    So this shouldnt be a problem getting the items one needs for finishing quest.
    xps are parted on damge count, but so xps from mobs are so low most times that its really no matter if another gets 5 xps and i get at least only 17 instead of 22.

    It's actually set to a "most damage" system. Whoever deals the most damage to the mob gets the loot. However, there might be problems with that between, say, Venomancers and Blademasters, because between spells and pets, Venos can hit half the mob's HP within a few seconds, before they realize someone else is attacking. x_x

    And there is a wait for loot that's not yours. I'm not sure how long it is, probably around 30 seconds, but there's definitely a wait. I've encountered it before with someone who didn't want their loot. XD

    Tvali - Director of the wonderful guild Epitaph.
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    miichiin wrote: »
    most KSing i encounter is accidental. but several times i've had ppl come up and start attacking a monster that im attacking and been attacking for awhile. and in one case the person wouldn't back off!! i was VERY upset. ppl that purposely KS are so mean b:cry

    Actually they might not be mean. I have run into a few people like that who actually think they are helping. They might be trying to "save" you.

    I also have run into a few people who are very shy and do that hoping you will see how valuable they are and thus you will invite them to group with you.
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    isnt it in this way here that who got the "first shot / strike" gets the loot and also those quest itmes (if needed) ?
    So this shouldnt be a problem getting the items one needs for finishing quest.
    xps are parted on damge count, but so xps from mobs are so low most times that its really no matter if another gets 5 xps and i get at least only 17 instead of 22.

    For myself i have no problem if another one is attacking same mob then i do after i started. Sometimes when i notice that a ppl is heavy fighting and cant really kill the mob i step in and help him a bit with 1 or 2 shots to get mob's hp down and then let the other ppl do the rest.

    when i start to attack a mob and notice that there is one also attking same one i most times step back and let him / her kill and look for another one..

    The problem with first strike getting the kill is that there are people who will go into a busy area and just hit everything once and allow everyone else to complete the kills for them savingthem use of pots and charms.
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    They'd have the critters running after them, until they either kill them, get killed or run away. In the last case the critters will follow a while, until they give up and run to their original location. During the running back the critters are mostly untouchable and not aggressive, you can hit them and they'll heal immediately while ignoring you.
  • Daekara - Heavens Tear
    Daekara - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The problem with first strike getting the kill is that there are people who will go into a busy area and just hit everything once and allow everyone else to complete the kills for them savingthem use of pots and charms.

    Only true way to stop intentional KS'ing is:

    Once a monster is claimed (first hit) by a person, then the monster becomes soley that person's kill, no one else can attack it.

    To avoid players claiming a group of monsters for themselves the system works as:

    If a person claims one monster and then tries to claim another, the first monster then becomes available to all to attack, etc etc, so you can never have sole claim on more than one monster, (you can attack more than one monster, but you can never claim more than one monster).

    If you're wondering how this system would work with parties, its the same principal yet only the members of the party can attack the same monster.

    And lastly, if a person dies while fighting their claimed monster then the monster again becomes free for all.
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Only true way to stop intentional KS'ing is:

    Once a monster is claimed (first hit) by a person, then the monster becomes soley that person's kill, no one else can attack it.

    To avoid players claiming a group of monsters for themselves the system works as:

    If a person claims one monster and then tries to claim another, the first monster then becomes available to all to attack, etc etc, so you can never have sole claim on more than one monster, (you can attack more than one monster, but you can never claim more than one monster).

    If you're wondering how this system would work with parties, its the same principal yet only the members of the party can attack the same monster.

    And lastly, if a person dies while fighting their claimed monster then the monster again becomes free for all.

    You obviously haven't played with AoE-skills if you think that "claiming" would work in anyway.
    We all have skills to deal dmg to several monsters at a time and sometimes its way faster too,if you can take the hits.
    Your system would promote even more killstealing, ksers just wait someone to AoE couple mobs and then kill the others while the guy tanks them all.

    There allready is a system that prevents KSing, hit first and do enough dmg. If you didnt get the drops/quest kill, you were too slow or didnt do enough dmg. And if you were slow, YOU were actually ksing.

    And if KSing really gets that bad,change server.

    Monsters are free for all after people die, they regen to full hp and return to their spot.

    Only true way to stop killstealing is to just do more dmg and and hit the monster first.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And there is a wait for loot that's not yours. I'm not sure how long it is, probably around 30 seconds, but there's definitely a wait. I've encountered it before with someone who didn't want their loot. XD

    It is short. 30 seconds sounds right. I found this out the hard way when I was standing over a kill trying to find room in inventory for a very nice drop I needed. An archer runs up and grabs the item off the ground at my feet. That was the one time I regretted [briefly] not playing on the PvP server. b:angry

    As to the advice to hit hard and fast and never face another KS, I have to say this depends very much on your class. When I rolled a barb, I frequently found it frustrating trying to find any room to do the basic grinding quests in the early levels. The ridiculous oversupply of venos who all already have a tanking pet left me thinking there really wasn't any role for my character at all - so why even bother trying to squad. And, since barbs can't do fast damage for squat, the only thing I could do was look for more isolated spots (which is frankly impossible in some places). I may eventually go back to my barb now that I have experience of the world outside the veno-filled starter areas, but I shouldn't be surprised if that initial experience isn't discouraging a lot more would-be tanks.

    To be clear, I agree that kill-stealing is very rarely intentional and that the absolute best strategy is a short-lived squad that helps everybody rack up the kills. I just wish that the early barbs had somebody to partner with who would appreciate a tank. Ironically, I have seen a few archers who think they have some capability to tank because they "grew up" in an area with so many clerics.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I haven't had any trouble with PKing, but I've noticed some things that might be helpful (NOTE: I only play on heavens tear, it may be different on other servers): There is a time limit for looting. IDK how long it is, but you are required to wait a certain amount of time before taking the loot from somebody else's kill (I believe is essentially who hit first, not who killed it, who gets first dibs on items and such) And, once you have begun charging your skill, I think it counts as you hitting it, thus making it your kill, just that the actual damage has not yet been dealt.

    Hope that helped. These aren't proven, but they're things I'm pretty sure of.
  • Mewazu - Heavens Tear
    Mewazu - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Here's my opinion. I'm a Veno, and occasionally I accidentally KS. My comp is ****, and sometimes I just zone out. I always apologize though. I consider KSing a deliberate attack on a monster with damage already on it. For other Venos out there concerned about accidental KSing, just press esc to cancel your spell, then heel your pet and apologize.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think that it's very clear that most of the people here (including myself) view that the kill stealing that occur in PWI is accidental; so the only thing left for users to exercise is common courtesy and I think most of the people that posted on this thread has done just that. :)

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Tenderloin - Sanctuary
    Tenderloin - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Kill stealing is unavoidable especially for casters/ranger fighters since once you start casting you cannot cancel the skill/spell unless you press ESC key (trying to move does not cancel it). Also for the case of venomancer once your pet goes into attack mode it takes a few seconds for the player to cancel the pet's command (usually by that time the pet is probably attacking already). I really try hard not to KS but sometimes you just can't do anything about it. What I am appalled was the behavior of some players who cuss openly at you for accidental kill steal.
  • Daekara - Heavens Tear
    Daekara - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    thom wrote: »
    You obviously haven't played with AoE-skills if you think that "claiming" would work in anyway.
    We all have skills to deal dmg to several monsters at a time and sometimes its way faster too,if you can take the hits.
    Your system would promote even more killstealing, ksers just wait someone to AoE couple mobs and then kill the others while the guy tanks them all.

    There allready is a system that prevents KSing, hit first and do enough dmg. If you didnt get the drops/quest kill, you were too slow or didnt do enough dmg. And if you were slow, YOU were actually ksing.

    And if KSing really gets that bad,change server.

    Monsters are free for all after people die, they regen to full hp and return to their spot.

    Only true way to stop killstealing is to just do more dmg and and hit the monster first.

    Actually the system i mentioned above is already active in another online game, and has been for for a number of years now, and they also have aoe skills, so it does work. I simply wouldnt state something that hadnt already been tried and tested.

    Your translation of AOE skills in this matter is quite simply just pure greed, yes you can aoe a bunch of monsters but only one will actually be your claim, which leaves the rest still available to others, so if somone comes along and wants to take one they can, in this case you only have yourself to blame for being greedy and trying to hog all the monsters in the area to yourself, so there actually is no KS'ing involved.

    And anyway my statement basically meant that although there are ways they could have dealt with KS'ing, we have to make do with the way things are, and its 100% true that the majority of the KS'ing in PW is accidental.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Its ridiculous to expect them to re-code the game. Aoe killing of mobs is a very important part of how blademasters level. high risk high reward.

    The problem doesnt lie with the game, the problem lies with players that think partying will 1/2 their exp or they simply don't want to party for whatever reason.
  • Scarag - Heavens Tear
    Scarag - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Most of the time when I kill steal from someone its because my spells that take a very long time to channel like Divine Pyrogram. While I am channeling its quite often a Blademaster or Barbarian will start to attack my target while channeling. I dont blame them for attacking them. I attack from so far away they probably dont even know I am behind them let alone attacking the same creature they are. But sometimes when I see a Blademaster or Barbarian that takes all day to kill a creature and they dont want to be a squadmate of me I will purposefully steal their kills. I am not going to waste my time and wait forever for someone to kill a creature when I want to kill it as well. If I waited for them every time I would never kill anything because I usually start attacking a creature with spells that take a long time to channel (so I can use the quick channel spells right after while fighting).

    Kill stealing also saves lives. I sometimes see someone who doesnt know they are being attacked my several creatures or that their target has "increased life" or "increased defence" and not able to handle the situation. I will purposefully start a push area of effect spell like Will of the Phoenix to get them off the person being ganged up then and get them after me. I will then fly out of there and save their life. I have no obligation to save someone else's life. I risk my own to save theirs when I don't even have enough hitpoints to handle 5 strikes.

    When it comes to neglected loot I have no problem with people taking my loot if I don't pick it up right away and neither should anyone else. If enough time goes by that anyone can pick up the loot its obvious that the person who killed for that loot did not care enough for it to pick it up right way. Yes, I know there are times when your getting attacked by several creatures and you have to move on to the next one or retreat and its difficult to pick up your loot. There you have to make a choice. Its either killing the next creature or your drop. You can always have both and there are situations you must choose. I don't think anyone would want a valueable item to just disapear and nobody acquires it. And if I have to retreat after I kill a creature I would prefer that someone else gets the loot rather than to disapear.

    There is no rule and there never should be for kill stealing or neglected loot recovering. It is to subjective to opinion who stole who's kill. There is quite a long time to pick up an object before anyone else can pick it up. There could be a safeguard implimented to make it 1 vs 1 killing but, squads would be useless against that creature and also people who like to start with spell or ablities that take a long time to channel will never get a chance to kill anything. If you kill a creature and it drops loot you want to pick it up don't waste your time and pick it up already. If someone can pick it up its like trash on the side of your property and its fair game to pick up.

    Anyone who complains to me about stealing your kills or taking your loot should just realize that you do not own the creatures and that you do not own that loot once someone else can pick it up. If you want to prevent kill stealing get yourself a 60+ wizard.
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ... But sometimes when I see a Blademaster or Barbarian that takes all day to kill a creature and they dont want to be a squadmate of me I will purposefully steal their kills. ....

    That qualifies as kill stealing, not a mistake or accident, but willfully taking an action that puts another player at a disadvantage - and with some lame excuse to cover up your selfishness. They are just as entitled to their enjoyment of this game as you are.

    You won't be in a team with me. Ever.