Install it and make a character on heaven's tear
9int 1 str i think is the cookie cutter build or 8int 2 str one of those thats for every 2 levels. int = magic
lulz gremlins
Safe log in will let you login
Most people opt for a golem at 17 or 18, personally I prefer the 18 golem it has a damage reduction skill.
The pets you saw non veno characters with wer non combat pets. THey are just there to look good.
Guys the game just went OB yesterday, give them time. o.o
Good luck with ze guild.
Reading is for losers.
The people who got the 75 gold during cb had it wiped after cb, anyone who made it to 40 during cb got 10 free gold for ob. Stop bitching. Anyong saying they have 75 free gold are lying. I can vouge that the 75 gold from cb was wiped as mine is gone.
Eh, I was dumb and gave away all my **** on MY, I'll stay here regardless of the cash shop prices. It's still a good game and a community. But, I definatly won't be spending a fraction of the money I probably would have had the prices been comparable to MY.
Naw at first it will be Venomancers because they are the fastest and richest class, then people will start hitting 60 and not getting invites to aoe parties. Then the veno population will die down.
They are gonna justify it by saying they lowered the prices 20 silver on most of the stuff. Which equates to 20 cents rl money lol
BIG BIG BIG LOL @ Price of Zen
Agreed. MY makes enough to keep up and running at low costs I fail to see why Int can't. I was planning on buying zen too. Not at those prices though. =\
Ello everybody.
Odds are if anything it will be cb only fashion
I hate that hole.
In the MY version, you could get 20 in game gold for about 6 dollars. That could afford almost everything in the item mall aside from the mounts. The way the item mall is priced is gonna determine if I stay here or go back to MY.
If you had bothered to read my entire post I said it wasn't a **** bashing post because I swing both ways. Sexual preference has nothing to do with gaming.
lol, stop rubbing this in everyones faces. There isn't even emotes for opposite sex partners, why should there be ones for same sex? Bawwwww we can't marry guys in a fictional enviroment. And before you call this **** bashing I enjoy the company of both. But unlike people like you I don't go around shoving it in peoples…
Aye, but by the looks of the skills they changed the Tiger form defense skill to a damage skill. I hope thats just a typo.
It's all aboot preference, I loved the damage my WG did, but I hated being 3hit by things 3 levels under me.
You can turn into a werefox, weretiger at lvl 9
When you stare at your dog and wonder if he can tank a bear.
One of the biggest ones I've founded playing in MY is sometimes when you are jumping down against a cliff or wall it gets stuck in a loop while falling. It will fall all the way down then rubberband back up just a little ahead of where you started, inching its way down each time. Not that big a deal on the short falls, but…
They have high dmg depending on the build you go with. Perdition can hit for 40k+ and its an aoe attack.
WB for life. Its gonna be hard staying interested in MY now that I'm going to INT. Maybe I'll just give my account away.
Okay, thanks.
Oh thats it? My GM made it sound like it was a waste to make one early on when I asked her. >_> Does your guild need any WB's? Thats what I plan on making, would be nice to have a plan going into CB