In depth look at the item mall



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    alazar wrote: »
    I just can't honestly belive what im hearing. Cash shop items that are not only super overpriced Unbalance the game AND drop from you in pvp. When I first saw Requiem's cash shop at first I figured it was a bit overpriced just a bit...but after this it sounds like a bargain!

    Also there's gotta be a flip side to all this right? Not just the items being tradable thats not good enough to justify the prices said so far. There's gotta be something else to it right?

    One thing that's nice about Perfect World International, is that you can actually purchase cash shop currency from other players via the Auction House. So even if you choose not to invest real cash into the game, you can still attain cash shop items through alternate means.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    One thing that's nice about Perfect World International, is that you can actually purchase cash shop currency from other players via the Auction House. So even if you choose not to invest real cash into the game, you can still attain cash shop items through alternate means.

    Well this kinda soften things up a little bit. Still the prices are so far insane for anyone who has more than this game as a hobby. But This kinda...makes it some what mildly less of a rip off. For those who don't use cash shop but want to get by anyways.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I sitll don't understand how you guys see those prices as rip-off when we don't even know what's the exchange rate for ZEN <-> USD.

    Until they put up a price for ZEN, we cannot say that those prices are rip off. If ZEN <-> USD = 1 to 1 and those prices stay, then I'm moving on to Runes of Magic.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    One thing that's nice about Perfect World International, is that you can actually purchase cash shop currency from other players via the Auction House. So even if you choose not to invest real cash into the game, you can still attain cash shop items through alternate means.

    Doesn't hurt to make Zen cheap =) Community would be happy and money would still flow. IMO lower the prices are, the higher chance players will purchase.

    Like business people, Supermarket. Every week they have something cheap to sell, and whatever they sell cheap; most of the time it runs out of stock. Would they earn more profit from selling a tiny bit once in awhile or a whole bunch in a short amount of time? Now imagine this - This is a game, you don't have to purchase items from factory to sell. You just magically poof them out of nowhere and you can sell them. Would you want them to be sold a tiny bit at a time and earn XX cash(Unhappy costumers)? Or would you want to sell a bunch/huge bundle of them for low amount of cash, and earn the same amount or even more(Satisfied/Happy costumers)?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i'm looking at the cubigold prices of the highest cost flying device, and trying to figure out the best cost ration that would have me buying Zhen about once a month.

    in PW-MY it was about $1=3 Cubi. that's a fair ration, but it was also sold from a third party site, which increased the cost.

    now if PWI sells Zhen first party, they can drop the price. a 4Zhen-$1 ratio would work for me just fine.
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    In the MY version, you could get 20 in game gold for about 6 dollars. That could afford almost everything in the item mall aside from the mounts. The way the item mall is priced is gonna determine if I stay here or go back to MY.

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Is the item mall really the make or break for PWI?

    I just saw it as an option if you wanted it there. Then again, I play super Casually.

    I just hope the converion rate is not absurd. I want my characters to be strong and look cool on a college student's budget.

    But we should all just chill a bit unti we get official word on the exchange rate.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    noctura wrote: »
    Yea I agree that in PW-MY some of the items are just way too expensive to get. The wings I wanted were.... 30$ real money just to have enough to get one set of wings.
    I really hope it is a little more affordable when the OB starts.
    alazar wrote: »
    Jesus 30 dollars for a pair of wings!?! thats insanely overpriced. Those wings better give you like a permanent stat bonus and the ability to turn invisible for that kinda cash.
    xanados wrote: »
    "Rest assured that the Cash Shop will be a critical component of your Perfect World gaming experience"

    Man with that being said right there, you would need to pay money to get damn good at the game. Why don't you guys just do an optional monthly subscription plan with exp bonuses and cheap item mall stuff for the freebies. Because looks like once again the paying players who happen to have Daddy's credit card will be able to outrank, out level, and out skill a free player.

    You are probably one of those player who steal Daddy's credit card to pay for the game, or you just a QQ kid who get pissed We adults have the credit card to purchase items to outrank. So if you dun like it, get a job and stop QQ about this and that or go back to study. You are pathetic:eek: **** off from Free MMOPRG and go back ur stupid, **** monthly subscription WOW.

    Obviously, Free MMORPG is for adults who have the financial support and like gaming. So it is not suitable for kids like you who just wanted to be a free players. Use your fuking brain to think, if there is no profit for opening MMORPG, what kind of stupid company would do that? stop being naive and think that MMORPGs have to be free 2 play. If you don't like this kind of reality, go back and play ur Super Mario game:mad:
  • Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    chong wrote: »
    You are probably one of those player who steal Daddy's credit card to pay for the game, or you just a QQ kid who get pissed We adults have the credit card to purchase items to outrank. So if you dun like it, get a job and stop QQ about this and that or go back to study. You are pathetic:eek: **** off from Free MMOPRG and go back ur stupid, **** monthly subscription WOW.

    Obviously, Free MMORPG is for adults who have the financial support and like gaming. So it is not suitable for kids like you who just wanted to be a free players. Use your fuking brain to think, if there is no profit for opening MMORPG, what kind of stupid company would do that? stop being naive and think that MMORPGs have to be free 2 play. If you don't like this kind of reality, go back and play ur Super Mario game:mad:

    Hello, friendly neighborhood Tech Support Panda here checking out the other threads on the PW forums.

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  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    chong wrote: »
    You are probably one of those player who steal Daddy's credit card to pay for the game, or you just a QQ kid who get pissed We adults have the credit card to purchase items to outrank. So if you dun like it, get a job and stop QQ about this and that or go back to study. You are pathetic:eek: **** off from Free MMOPRG and go back ur stupid, **** monthly subscription WOW.

    Obviously, Free MMORPG is for adults who have the financial support and like gaming. So it is not suitable for kids like you who just wanted to be a free players. Use your fuking brain to think, if there is no profit for opening MMORPG, what kind of stupid company would do that? stop being naive and think that MMORPGs have to be free 2 play. If you don't like this kind of reality, go back and play ur Super Mario game:mad:

    Im a 20 year old Psychology college student at Mesa college San Diego. Nice work making a fool of yourself publicly with that kind of disrespectful behavior.

    I honestly have not run into many adults who are as immature and childish as to say things like that to people they don't even know.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Or just go play runes of magic, its free and no item shops at all. Good thing I looked this over cause I was about just waste my time..
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Second to last post 08-19-2008, 11:29 PM then yours today 26th of December... Please do not reopen such old posts.
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