catgirldesu Arc User


  • 2019 is off to a good start in PWI. ​​
  • Oh no! They're on to me! My favourite parts of the Neverfall expansion were exploring the new areas, testing out the new skills/glyphs and reading the quest line. I'm still sad Rose Commander Candersis died. I have to visit him in Neverfall's City Hall and pretend he's still alive. ​​
  • While we're on the subject, @sunnys1dework please tell the Chinese developers to save the Venomancer pets! Currently a legendary pet that costs 100 gold is as useful in mass PvP as a level 5 pet you tame outside the starter cities. Alright, this is a bit of an exaggeration but the game has added a lot of new content, gear…
  • Thank you for the response! I've heard of other players who submitted tickets and more often than not the responses they received were "we're working on it" or "we'll look into it" so I considered it redundant to send one myself. I'm sure customer service is prone to getting flooded by the same type of tickets whenever an…
  • To be honest, I don't even know if China cares about PWI so I just roll with whatever we get. However, one thing PWE can do is to address the issues with Arc. I think it's embarrassing that the force log issue hasn't been fixed yet. Even if we keep Arc open at all times, the "reconnect" feature can fail and has failed.…
  • I wonder if Paladins can use their special skills when stuck mid-air. If not, then I expect some players will try to air glitch Paladins as much as possible. ​​
  • There are six legendary pets now and, unfortunately, the Phoenix is not particularly worth getting. You can read short reviews (accompanied by video links) of each legendary pet on PWI wiki's legendary pet page. Here is a quick rundown: Hercules: best tanking pet Monkey King: best PvP pet Harpy: best PvE pet Battlebot:…
  • Character selection screen and customization screen. ​​
  • I think people are already used to calling them Gunner/Paladin so might as well roll with it.​​
  • Astrid, because Astrid is the best empress. ​​
  • PWI uses V to scroll through the F1-F8 hotkey bar and it uses ` to scroll through the 1-9 hotkey bar. You can see all hotkeys here on the PWI wiki. So your macro should look like "V, F1,V" or if you have multiple rows on the hotkey bar open then it might look like "V, F1, V, V". Keep in mind that in-game ping can affect…
  • Verifying the game usually does the trick and repairs/restores missing files. I recently re-installed the game as well (couple of weeks ago). I was missing a lot of textures in Morai and other areas, but verifying the game files fixed everything. I'd advice to try verifying more than once, the community consensus is to do…
  • Boundless R9 is the Chinese version of R9 third cast that exists in every single version of Perfect World, except ours. PWI has Limitless R9, a set of R9 third cast gear that exists only in our version. People say it was created at the request of PWE, before PWCN actually got their third cast, but I do not know the truth.…
  • Perhaps you are looking for the Venomancer Guide to Skills?​​
  • If you want to play from Japan, you will have to contact PWI's customer support and explain the situation. Japan is one of the banned regions probably due to the fact that there is a Japanese version of Perfect World. I would advice you to not log into PWI at all while in Japan unless you sort it out with the GMs and they…
  • @blazerboy Bad news; the instance does require keys if Google Translate is to be trusted. Well, literally every new instance requires keys these days so no surprise there. There was also a thing about specific monsters spawning during specific time frames and players have to kill said monsters to "unseal" the entrance. I…
  • I once wondered if they would ever add new classes to existing races. That would be really nice. A human Gunner and a Winged Elf Paladin certainly sounds fitting. That might explain why they haven’t added new classes or a new race before adding data for new class skills. I wonder what the Untamed class would be; most…
  • @shopcheese Thank you for translating and posting these. As you already know I was too busy to do it myself. The first post has been updated with the new information to make it easier for people.
  • Good point. I forgot about that. Although I would think PWCN would at least pay attention to include our PWI R9 (since people pay for it), I would not be surprised if they forget about it.
  • Whatever this feature might be, I’m fairly sure it won’t include G16 Nirvana gear because PWCN doesn’t have that and China clearly doesn’t bother to look into our version exclusive stuff. That is unless we tell our GMs to tell China, but with Kalyst gone now, I’m not sure if our concerns will reach the Chinese developers.…
  • There was no way PWCN would introduce tome refining and just let players get quick +12 with promo Dragon Orbs and event gold refine aids. The confusion might come from my old PWCN expansion thread because I mentioned refine aids and such. I also thought it might be possible to use the old refining materials, but the…
  • Thank for your hard work and for what you have done for PWI and its players. Good luck with your future endeavours!​​
  • Based on things I've read, it seems Wanmei wishes to make Perfect World 3 on Unreal engine while continuing support for Perfect World 2 (what our version is). That might be for the best, honestly, since PW2 has become imbalanced in PvP, farming gets eliminated with every new expansion and the game steadily heads to a more…
  • Yeah, I would like server merges, too. It won't save PWI, but it will give people 6-12 months of activity, which I think is worth it. As it is, people are quitting left and right while the other half are just inactive until "something fun happens again". It doesn't help that the upcoming expansion is nothing more than just…
  • Character: Wyvelin Server: Twilight Temple Since we could use the Christmas theme in this contest, I took the opportunity to design my ideal Christmas/Winter mount. ​​
  • These particular fashion weapons are bound probably because they were not meant to be sold in the Boutique as they are (timed) rewards from the Adventure Kingdom. Most fashion and fashion weapons are not bound, but sometimes PWE rushes to sell items that aren't completed or coded properly so we end up with this. It's a…
  • These are good points that I forgot to mention. Sometimes we receive "Arc Codes" which give out EXP pills for free level 100 and gear packs for free Twilight Temple Lv99 gold gear. We usually get such codes as a gift for new expansions, new content updates or other big celebrations. Keep an eye out for that! Also, PWI's…
  • Hello! I suggest that you keep your level 85 Quicksand Maze gear all the way up to level 100. The alternatives aren't really that much better, though you could try to farm the Morai Lv100 gear through Endless Universe. It can serve your needs for a while. When you reach level 100 you can start doing BH100. You won't be…
  • You can revert Primal World skills, but you cannot revert Neverfall skills. Sorry to say, but there is no way for you to get Demon Ironwood again.​​