burnedlama Arc User


  • wow, ppl are throwing a massive fit over 4-5 aps, but casting classes can get that kind of atk speed o.o... i think if 4-5 aps gets nerfed channeling also needs nerfing. atleast casting classes dont have to chase everything down like melee classes do XD bad enough wizzies already get a instant casting skill that can be…
  • click the char and right click, press report player i thought. or you can hit the g m button if it still exists in pwi lol. forgive me if i'm wrong.
  • actually if you look through chinese history theres a boat load of different accounts relating to homo activities, a lot of royalty had same sex activity, and in various parts of china there are all kinds of strange theories that have to do with having sex with many males... i mean look at all the lady-boys in thailand...…
  • probably gonna have some good items worth trading for, but knowing how pw is in a general sense, probably gonna take 5 dq items to get 1 dragon point, and about 1000 dragon points to get something on the low end of the scale.
  • have to wait 3 days for change to take effect.
  • wtf? seriously? i can see ppl saying stream strike useless, and emberstorm, but it makes me wonder why some ppl are playing this game if they're saying clerics revive and barbs geddon is useless =.= plz ppl before saying a skill is useless, ask a lvl 100+ pro player how useful the skills are... a pro cleric should be able…
  • first off i think this QQ thing is really stupid... omg he said he likes kittens this is a QQ thread, well stop QQ about this QQ because they all QQ this and thats totally QQ... sound like a bunch of little school kids, when you can all stop saying QQ to everything then maybe you'll make a valid point. this thread, the…