Well keep do quest like this you gonna be made some coins and what is more imprtant you gonna be learn how to play whit your char.They are tons of high lvl noobs who cant play becouse of PLVL
Pfff another bul**** update(expansion) say how you wanna from pwi.I see will be get more and more people who quit(new player) and more andmore alts(from some of old players who still play).How is nice to see 1 person whit 4-5 char online and play just keep numbers on player in this game.Whit this temp soon this game need…
If you have any trouble ppl make something on net named "google" use or you are so dumb to know what is that
idiot still idiot on game and on reall life.And Naryio wwhit your freaking language you are best loser go ahead noob
Your english is freaking so sux but no time for loser like you
Torichibi to be balanced all class then go make venomancer cant use pet,becouse veno is sux whithout him like all other char.But here dont see anyone who can play evryone look like noob.And only veno can use 2 pet on same time better is evryoneother quit game and make veno then name PWI on VENOWORLD.Becouse then veno can…
blanche i know you like this game so you gonna be like him and afther expasion to,and dont forgot evrything what get here have on my-en to(except the lagg) b:chuckle
How typical only venomencer complai about this expasion. More no fair be only on PVP server but good luck on ppl who play on him
Only that gonna be truth that is very nice for balanced character on this,becouse evrything is unbalanced till now
Mage skill never miss just hit low mage def increase monster.About acc and evasion %,evasion% on monster=him change to miss your phy att.And for PVP more evasion=more miss from phy att,more mage def=take less hit from mage,and more phy def=take less hit from phy att
Dont need to spend real money for this game,becouse here is really so easy to make money and dont have differend whit witch one character you gonna be play
male char cant ride tiger.Only you wanna that better go make one female char
So Zanixx you are not alone but ppl dont say something about that.For around 30 min evry 2-3min server kick me out,and when i use world chat get plenty of pm from ppl who get same trouble like you.I be online on msn and only you get trouble whit net msn gonna be kick you off but no only game.And on same time my girlfriend…
Lol grats GM that be the best sux and bored event who i see to any game.How to fair all is negative.Poor guy's spend alote time to get any stupet rose for what,just for nothing.And girls neve ris happy from that what can get evrytime just say "need boy whit 99 roze".Go girls change place whit guy's to see how is easy to…
To get rollback for that gonna be all so sux for ppl who play alote time game today and lose evrything what make.But all this can be fix whit one so easy update and shut down server for like 3 max 4 hour,but this update is work to GM no my.But only GM cant fix whit updat and make rollback evryone gonna be wait for…
Ya maybi any good drop but is sux for PVE server to be on pk mode that is patetic and this event is for high lvl player only.Cool that gonna be like whit my-en PW event sux and bored event :)
Demon and sage have differend cultivation mission,and differend skill to. Demon(burger fairy-red one) have att skill and sage(angel-white fairy) most is def bonus skill.And yes you can still play on pt whit fr just make choice on yourfairy all other is same whit befor.Wanna demon afther finish cultivation need go make your…
From FB19 till FB49 you dont need to use wine becouse you have mission inside who cant finish only use.But see alote of ppl here is scared to make FB39 and 49 whithout wine. Ask on world chat or your guild you can find much ppl to help who is no scared from non wined fb39 and 49 xxx