bsup68 Arc User



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  • thx for confirming what I was thinking :) gonna be lots of chars needing FB89 then xD
  • does those pills magicly fix your culties for you, or is it, use 1st pill and spend the weekend on catching up on culties?
  • The "Gold" Dragon isn't the one to kill, tried that twice without succes and switched to the dragons with much less HP - 1 kill and done :smile:
  • So did the said npc exist or is it something for the next maint?
  • Could pwdatabase be wrong for once Edit: Jones' Blessing Ticket do stack, if you just drag them together - just tried with 10 on a baby archer i've got
  • @asterelle tried your script, but getting stucked on seletcing server and char - Am i correct if i place server name and char name inside the "" - ("Tideswell") and ("MyCharNameHere") ? Edit: tried again and none of the actions worked
  • well, there is some help here
  • @sylenthunder never participated in the cross server event, and didn't knew i would count as an extra server, so ty for explaning that :smile: @asterelle very nice work, now not even a script noob like me, can mess up :D
  • Nice script Asterelle As i havn't spend any time messing with scripts, codeing and so, I just got a small question, the server_id is which pwi server to send to, but the 5 i don't get as I thought a number between 1 and 4 would right as i only see 4 pwi servers in the launcher. char_id should a number between 1 and 8…
  • yeah, wrote about that in the quality section, as i couldn't see any info about once per account redeem on that code - not that it helped anything xD
  • Yes people are resistant to change, especially if it's a change from bad to worse, which is the case here imo...
  • One thing, that I really miss from the old forum is the latest activity button, to get all the pwi threads with activity/new posts since last visit up on screen fast :(
  • Well before the Jones money quests and the first nerf on the lower DQ(not banker DG) I farmed for dq and other drops to earn some extra coins on my lower lvls, and on my higher lvl chars it was a nice extra income to cover repairs and generate a few extra coins when helping fac members. and plz don't note the join date on…
  • mentioned yesterday in the maint thread, but ye i do care too ;)
  • well on lower lvl toons i usual sell the pots for coins, as a small extra income, as one gets free charms to lvl 60, and free hp/mp stuff rewards from quests, and lower lvl pots isn't usefull on higher lvls imo. My points is more that what else have been changed but not mentioned in patch notes and the fact that another…
  • well saw it mentioned in wc on RT server and it looks like they are worth Zero Screen from a pot stack on one of my chars:
  • So now pots (HP/MP) drops are worth zero.... didn't see that in the patch notes.... Does that mean that we can buy the same stuff from apo for free too :P
  • pwe/pwi as usual when updates are done.... x.x
  • well at least it looks like the Super Inventory and Super Cage, comes back with a 50% discount, still sucks a bit about the inventory imo... on a second, and totally non related noted.... i miss my 2nd rb mains avatar qq xD
  • did the really fix it?? guess not, when i use my main as forum avatar i get a Database Error.... yay x.x
  • Tried the destroy bound items function? Used that on some of the dreamchaser gear which i couldn't get rid of on some of my alts
  • and all this i think, is why ppl like me playing on a pve server tends to get unhappy, when the pk protection in SP goes away. If some ppl want to PK on a pve server, no probs - but give them a place to do it then, with a big fat "This is PK area - You get killed, stop QQing, and stay out" or something similar xD
  • The direct download may suck a bit, but never had any trouble with it at all
  • well I suspeckted that the shop disapear on log off - to bad, could be nice selling stuff, while sleeping and my pc turn off. I know there is the auction house, but with the 500 coin fee, some of the stuff ain't worth enough to pay that fee - unless I get lots of it ;) But thanks for sharing your knowledges ;)
  • speaking of those cat shops do they stay if I log out/quit the game?
  • Dosn't that depend a bit on how high level the character is? no need to guess, havn't played this a lot yet ;)
  • Great guide, has been doing some of the stuff before reading this guide, just to bad that gold is more than 1 mill a piece.
  • got the same problem with survey offers - got 33 Zen the first time a few days ago, but since I also get the N/A message, it's kinda suck imo, as I don't want to use a lot of money to just get my inventory a e few other things bigger - to earn more coins
    in Zen Jobs? Comment by March 2012


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