waiting,waiting, getting bored , gonna quit,...
u kidding ? how long after this patch wat if u dont fix next week , ... u had a week to fix one prob and instead u did some other ' probs' theyre are so many people playing untamed and now they cant do a thig till next week , nicely done
make a guess
ursa is right dont make excuses
i think that the scarlet fruit doesnt help i tried and gues wat ... noting thats a shock
guys realy fixing one bug doesnt take that long and if u dont u will surely lose players this is dissapointing that u wait one week for a MAjOR bug
hello? GM's can u answer plz cuz i think a whole week is to long
cant u guys fix it and make a new patch i mean every one who is untamed cant do cultivation thats a major problem
can somene tell me wich humanoid skills to learn cuz till level 59 I ONLY HAVE 3 ATTACKS ( if i follow guild )
can i learn humanoid and tiger skills both or do i need to choos? im going for a tank just so u now
i cant do it manually it says cant close patcher update interupted wat does that mean?
yeah i did
k but my mage needs to be high so i can buy my stuff and dex?
can someone tell me the stats points? per lvl
yea but what are the stats is it 1 1 3
ik think il become LA
can i be fox and mage ?
should i learn fox or mage skills?
if my pett takes on two aggro mobs one comes to me how can i stop it that he akes on the 2 mobs?
wats the best cuz thats not answer
oh so it will take a while im only lv 43should i focus on tiger skills
question can i cancel out true form -40wep damage?