bluewater Arc User



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  • What the heck is the point of using pot on duels? It'll then become a contest of who has more pot.
  • 1)Nobody need a cleric before lvl20, but as you lvl you will always be wanted. The importance of cleric and barb increases as more difficullt bosses appear, and people will always be looking for a cleric and barb for fb and bosses. You should have a easier time finishing those quests compared to other classes. 2)I've never…
  • I'm rather partial to my blademaster and wizard although that may be because nobody wants them in a party.
  • If he's a roleplayer I applaude him for his courage and innovative brain, if not then no comment.
  • If your a mage you should have less of that problem. I have one myself and she has never been ks, normally. My bm on the other hand has been ks'd way more times around the 20's (the higher levels not so much). The only time my mage got ks was during kun kun and I got ks by every single class during my 1 hour of trying to…
  • If the problem is only for crazy stone then it is quite easily solved. For example if you need to find craftman Li in north archo, it's rather easy to find because the quest told you he's in north archo. All you now need to do is to go to north archo and click on the craftman present in the coordinate assisant then there…
  • YES! Someone actually researched it! :)
  • I think I can answer this one. Taoism is the one that is actually founded in China that still alive now, Budda is more Indian based. To be completely honest I think that most chinese people unconsciously worship taoist deity than the buddist one. Since the taoist deity is chinese, it adds more chinese in the story than…
  • I believe it's the times that you are hit that counts not the damage pe hit. I don't know about the other ones, but increased endurance isn't all that useful unless you are stuck in a place with no way out except to kill mobs. You can be sure that your weapon can last a bit longer at least.
  • I heard that you can put your weap in the quick bars for fast switching. Never tried it though.
  • There is another added bonus, axe BM can stun like crazy. You can avoid a few more hits while aoe them to death.
  • All classes gain the ability to fly at lvl30. But just to warn you, the starting swords are really slow at flying. I believe any class can use a bow as long as they fit the requirement on the weapon.
  • Yes, I think that is the only one that is still here. Elusive on sanctuary seems to have fallen apart unfortunately.
  • Heavy armor since you're not a fist BM.
  • Yes, 2~3 should be enough.
  • Spear is a more str based weapon. I suggest you go heavy armor because the early mobs are mostly melee; it helps surviving. I'm not that sure about high lvl mobs since they do magic but you'll meet mostly melee types. The only BM that wears light armor is the fist/claw ones, and that is because they don't have the str to…
  • Looks good. The build though make you lean towards sword build instead of axe. If you want to wield axe later, you could do well with 6 str per lvl (many BM max 2 skill trees later on, so I heard). Since spear is the closest to axe, I suggest you take advantage of this. Add vit to your liking or you can spam hp pots, life…
  • Axe is extremely useful in territory war due to its aoe stuns BUT if you are up against high dex BM like a blader they can own you cuz you can't hit them. Spear is better 1v1 due to its crazy bleeding power and far range attacks, not to mention the higher dex they have compared to axe. High dex=more dogde and accuracy.
  • 27 mmh....a multiple of 3
  • Not a bad idea, I'm all for it.
  • Use one of your skills?
  • Spears have bleeding and far range skills which gives them advantage over other BM. If it's pvp build, its accuracy is the same as sword so no advantage for sword.
  • Oops. Should have paid attention to that.
  • Couldn't you use wellspring to heal then put up glacial embrace and then meditate? That would take care of the hp problem and utilize the mana recovery speed.
  • Usually I just run over and stun them. If he's aoeing the mob, then I just leave it at that.
  • Not if they just lvl up. You lose pretty much nothing after dying the first or second time.
  • *sigh* everybody loves axes
  • I had a TW recently and I found that dex and strength serve me better than vit. I went head on with an axer about my lvl and we start swinging our weps at each other.Anyway the thing is that she kept missing me and I kept hitting her(I'm a blader). If we assume that pk is somewhat similar to TW and that the one I'm up…
  • I agree with you but adding new race could be hard because most chinese mythological demons are fox spirits and they are the basis for venos, so that's like about 70% of the mythology stuff gone. And the the remaining demons are mostly categorized as wraiths in my opinon (well that's cuz they don't look human, fox seems to…
  • mmh...I think you can try to get yourself a guild, that way you can get FB help a lot faster. Don't know how many guilds are willing to take in new people though. like what these guys did
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