PvP weapon choice.

Posts: 7 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Blademaster
I've gone through at least 10 pages of the blademaster forum to get some good clues on what weapon is the best choice for PVP.

It seems that both Spear and Axe fit this role best. Axe has great AOE's and AOE stun/normal stuns, while spear has more range and also some AOE's.

Could someone tell me what particular roles an Axe BM and a Spear BM have and who are more commonly used/wanted in TW and more commonly used for 1on1 PVP?

I'm guessing that axe BM's are better, but I do like spear more when comparing looks. I do not mind using either of the two though, but I would like to work on the proper build from level 1 instead of messing up first.
Post edited by Yllnath - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Axe is extremely useful in territory war due to its aoe stuns BUT if you are up against high dex BM like a blader they can own you cuz you can't hit them. Spear is better 1v1 due to its crazy bleeding power and far range attacks, not to mention the higher dex they have compared to axe. High dex=more dogde and accuracy.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Allright thanks very much.

    I've read that 3 str, 2 dex every even level and 2 str, 2 dex and 1 vit every odd level is a good for a PVP spear user. Is that correct?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Looks good. The build though make you lean towards sword build instead of axe. If you want to wield axe later, you could do well with 6 str per lvl (many BM max 2 skill trees later on, so I heard). Since spear is the closest to axe, I suggest you take advantage of this. Add vit to your liking or you can spam hp pots, life powder, use hp charm, or stack hp stones to increase survival when doing quests. If I remember correctly, it is reccomended to have no more than 50~60 vit.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    How much dex does a spear build need? I'm guessing that for PVP, I'll want either heavy or light armor, probably light, so I'll need dex to equip light armor. Is spear a dex or str based weapon?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Spear is a more str based weapon. I suggest you go heavy armor because the early mobs are mostly melee; it helps surviving. I'm not that sure about high lvl mobs since they do magic but you'll meet mostly melee types. The only BM that wears light armor is the fist/claw ones, and that is because they don't have the str to wear heavy armor. If you go light armor, both mag and phy damage hits pretty well. If you are worrying about magic users, either cloudsprint away or cloudsprint to them and trash them with your melee attacks and stuns; provided that they don't 1 hit you.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Allright, so if I go with heavy armor, which requires STR and go with spear/axes who also require STR, I probably wouldn't need 4 DEX every 2 levels. Would 2 or 3 be better?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes, 2~3 should be enough.
  • Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Axe and Spear are the best PvP weapons for Blademaster.

    Axe is a very good choice for PvP. Accuracy is not a problem, you can fix it adding more DEX and using rings with Accuracy bonus.

    High damage is one thing that makes Axe BM shine, but also, your ability to keep stun lock on an enemy makes you a great PvPer. You have the common tree skill "Aeolian Blade" which has a 50% to stun for 3 seconds, "Roar of the Pride" is an AoE skill that let's you stun your opponent for 6 seconds, and "Drake Bash" is a single target skill that will stun the opponent for 6 seconds. Timing them right, you will barely give your opponent the chance of moving.

    And of course, the AoE's that this kind of weapon has, gives you a good performance during TW when facing groups of enemies (And of course, gives you a faster leveling).

    Spear has high damage too. Due to requiring less STR than Axes, an Spear BM can get more DEX for critical hit/accuracy/evasion.

    This kind of weapon uses a mix of bleeds, stuns and strong range attacks to kill the opponent.

    Using Leaps and 3 strong ranged attacks, Spear users can keep damaging their opponents without being touched that much, with bleeds to damage while time keeps passing. This kind of BM is able to outdamage Axe BM when fighting a single opponent, due to having higher damage skills.

    Spear has AoE's too, but they are linear AoE's, which still gives a good performance in TW since you will find always opponents being behind the ones you're attacking, and you also have the common tree AoE and half-AoE. (This also gives you the ability to level fast, not as fast as Axes but pretty close). During TW most of the time you will focus on killing 1 enemy at once, since everyone is using Charms, AoE'ing won't really kill them, it's just a plus, that way Spear can give an even better performance at TW.

    Both weapons are excellent for both PvE and PvP, they are really close in performace, so, what will make a difference is the equipment the BM use.

    Builds are pretty simple:

    For Axe, you need to add 3 STR every level, while Spear needs 5 STR every two levels, meaning 2 STR on odd levels and 3 on even levels.

    Add 1 DEX point per level for both weapons.

    And rest of the points go into VIT, until you get around 50 base VIT, then you stopp adding, and you focus on only addinng the required STR and rest into DEX.


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