blueparrot Arc User


  • Yes, it works just fine. I think you have to set it to administrator rights though.
  • I've never RPed before but I wanna give it a try. Count me in if you don't mind RP noobness from me :D I only want to play on PvE though. I don't like the idea of being randomly PKed.
  • ROFL - Archosaur City? The translators from PW-PH must have looked up the wrong words in the dictionary. Yes, like you said, it fits the Chinese words... but I really doubt the Chinese developers had 'archosaur' in mind. 'Ancestral dragon' is surely what they meant. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the developers didn't…
  • Lol, that's not the point. What Ragingwind is doing is making a suggestion, which is what we (as customers) are supposed to do. How can a customer's concerns be "not a problem" for the game's publishers? (Well, it can "not be a problem", but a game where players are not happy won't last very long...) *Your* suggestion is a…
  • I have no problem with vipents and taurocs and pyrogoths. If we went around calling a spade a spade and a snake a snake, PW would feel like an animal safari rather than a fantasy game :eek: Putting a twist on English words adds originality while still giving you some idea of what the mob is supposed to look like (vipents…
  • Yup - hit enter and you'll go straight to the chat box.
  • Really? I saw an old, hagged vampire sniffing the ground. :D:D:D:D
  • I think the people who did the translations for International *do* speak Chinese... or some language other than English anyway. If you read the text from quests etc, you'll find that their grammar is nearly perfect, but it still sounds horrible. It sounds like the sort of thing you get when an 8-year-old stuffs their…
  • Um, I'm just curious more than anything, but how long do high level people spend playing each day? I can understand people spending a couple of hours a day playing, and perhaps more in the weekend... but more than that just defies belief. I heard somewhere that heaps of people play 8+ hours a day - but how can you fit in…
  • Hmm.... actually the explorer -> detector thing was not bad IMO. When I said 'explorer' I was trying to find the closest English equivalent to the Chinese word, but as you probably know, there's no such thing as an exact equivalent. The original word actually does have the nuance of 'detecting' things - the same character…
  • This is the original Chinese name for eldergoth detector: 長蠻探子 Literal meaning: old savage explorer So eldergoth detector is actually a fairly straightfoward translation of the original name: old -> elder, savage -> goth (remember that gothic races were considered barbaric), explorer -> detector.
  • I dunno, as I said, it never happened to my werefox as far as I know. And sometimes the casting stops midway even when them monster is still ages away from me and is running towards me.
  • When I cast the starter damage spell as a cleric, the casting doesn't always work. Every now and then it stops midway through casting. I don't think this happens with other spells (I've tried werefox and her spells always go through).
  • I played MY-EN for a while, and it was the storage space (or lack thereof) that became my biggest headache. I ran out of room after playing for just a couple of days. The quests for extra inventory slots took too long to complete, and I didn't want to pay cash for an expansion stone so early on in the game. I hope we'll…