bigtoyota Arc User


  • As far as I know the free zen only applied to players level 40 and higher in the closed beta.
  • Need an admin to come through and clean this thread up, please. XD
  • By "banned", does he really mean disconnected? I'm assuming he can reconnect to the server after he gets disconnected with the same account right? Is there a message telling him he's been banned? If he was getting banned every two minutes he'd have to be making new accounts like crazy, right? It's far more likely just…
  •'s a game. That's why. I'm sure the Devs were totally foused on being PC rather than getting the game developed so we could play it lol.
  • You do know you can click the character, right click the picture and choose report as hacker right?
  • Did you click on their character, then right click their picture and choose report as hacker?
  • Oh hellz yeah!! It works!!!
  • Gimme 10 mins to DL and I'll let you know!!
  • Ryuuzaki, you come through again. Thank you so much from myself and many others who have waited to play!!!
  • Sigh, looks like I'll miss the opening minutes of Open Beta as well. I really hope it's not my ISP's fault.
  • Ever since Plex uploaded those files I put them in the folder, then have been starting and restarting patcher hoping to get it to go through with no luck. EDIT: As far as verify goes, it runs for a bit then says it was interrupted. I ahve been scanning through my task manager looking for anything that may interfere as well…
  • Well, looks like I'm out of luck again. That file refuses to download just like the others. I've tried everything I can think of for the moment.
  • The reason I know?? I did it myself before finding the proper version LMAO!!!! Experience FTW.
  • Yep, me too. perhaps this is the reason for the one hour delay??
  • Plex, you rock!! Thank you so much. Perhaps now I can enjoy this game in.....another hour or so XD! EDIT: Foiled again, this time at, drat, drat, and triple DRAT!! Sigh, maybe it's just time to let tech support handle it.
  • If you'll read my first post, I've asked for the file to be included as well, as was done with the Klithy patch. I have some suspicions on why it hangs on these files, but there's no way to really tell for sure.
  • Actually, this is probably a good thing, because as with version 4, my file refuses to download. I could use that extra hour in the hopes that it will work. I have already started a thread in the Tech Support forum for others having this issue. In the meantime, what to do for another hour?
  • The first time, I DID just let it run. For 2 days. And it still didn't work. I missed what little time I had for Closed Beta because of this lol. For some of us, it simply WILL NOT download. Letting it run, unfortunately, doesn't seem to work.
  • Irregardless of this fact, at least ONE person is doing something to help out. In the other games I came from, it was email and wait 2-3 days, and you MIGHT get an answer. Even darthpanda is posting on these forums, which never would have happened in the other games I played. It will be rather hard to be discouraged with…
  • I ahve started a post in the technical support forum asking for the NEW version 5 of the file. A moderator has kindly volunteered to post it once the Open beta starts!!!
  • For those getting stuck already at elements.dat for the new update, I ahve started a thread in teh Technical Support forum asking for that file to be uploaded after the beta starts. A moderator has even offered to upload them as soon as it opens!!!!
  • Many thanks, and may I also say it's nice to have games forums where the mods and GM's will actually post and help. I've had some not so good experiences with other MMO's, and this, so far, is most refreshing!
  • 25 minutes and counting.
  • Servers won't open for another 31 minutes.....hang in there.
  • Dang, it looks like we'll need someone to post up the new and AGAIN!! Cuz my client is being stupid and won't update those to version 5. lovely...........
  • Your friend is probably using the PWI-MY-EN version of the game, which is Malaysian. What country are you in?
  • Klithy, you are my hero!! I've been trying for 2 days to get this to work, and now it does. Thank you so much!!!
  • For anyone who is having issues, Please go to this link in the forums, it worked like a charm for me!! Klithy was kind enough to upload the and files. Follow the instructions in this post. It worked very well for me!!!
  • Ah, I see it cut off my reply. I wonder if it's because of Firefox 3.0? Anyways, it refuses to post my log file, but it's the same as everyone else. It fails the verification on Vista SP1, UAC is off, anti vir off, anti spyware off, all firewall exceptions OK. Have tried all the tricks listed here with no…