bigboy218 Arc User


  • I went to go make a barb and realized they put in a preset..obviously ini-edited. So...they can do it but we can't? Wtf?
  • Yea I hated that GMs 'response.' Sorry if this is a dumb question but what is CN? Is that another version of PW or something? If so, which one?
  • I've never paid attention to the core thing. And funny how you don't claim to be a troll yet you bothered yourself to call me out to the extents that would require you to meticulously investigate my profile.b:bye But I've a Lvl80 Seeker on this account and used my main char to power grind/hyper frost. Anyway, this is…
  • Not to say the darn GMs are patrolling >.> You would be surprised how many spiteful/jealous people who don't know how to ini edit OR have already been banned for ini editing and have the mentality that no one else should be able to do so have reported as many people as they can for ini editing. Not to say that I am one of…
  • I would like to know why it is ok in PW Malaysia but not ok for PWI. This confuses me.
  • I'm not agreeing that the no ini edit rule should be enforced. The fact of the matter still stands that it is against tos & is a bannable offense. Do it if you feel that compelled to do so but don't be DUMB enough to post your images here where the screenshots have your ig char name & everything.
  • hey guys some of these chars are pretty good ive been skimming thru just to get inspired but i have a question you guys blatantly ini edit..the eguard eye texture? the eguard hairstyles? on races that arent mystic or seeker?? are you guys unaware that this is a bannable offense? & that you are posting these images on a…