beardedclam Arc User


  • I edited so the whole name isn't shown for shame. But yet your arguments is still worried (probably yours) name will be pasted all over the net..If someones name is put up in full why do you care. You worry more about that, than the wrong they do. Your in fact an idiot. Let who ever posted a full name get in trouble by the…
  • Please if your not a venob:shutup. This is a serious matter. It is griefing. If you don't think so your just as guilty and share the same Morals of those who do so.
  • Most of the powers your doing good to get off ONE power from genie,,with slow regen. One power per fight seems to be the case. Except for long boss fights. Even if you have 3-4 powers, Think about whats the ONE that will make or break the situation the most.
  • The best question is "what is the best genie for what I want it to do?" Only you know what you want it to do for whatever class you are. Tell us if you want it to heal you or to buff or to debuff or to dps. But hopefully Typing in Genie in the search in the future will pull up more of how ppl are using them and their…
  • I am a wizard and so at first i was thinking about dps,,what can these babies do. soon i realized that the slow regen and not beig able to cast more than 1 spell every so often,,I changed tunes. Got rid of the pink and made a white for more stamina bar. Then trianed it Tree of Protection. Bugged or not that spell seriously…
  • yea yea it fly's and its for air..Well I still didn't want a garden plow either. Even land mobs don't dig a hole to china. But some good advice in here thanx alot. Will try some of these tactics out and hopefully get lvl's. The thing is in every forum this is a great pvp pet if trained right. Thats impossible if all you…
  • I made another post on this, not seeing this one first. But this isn't normal. Flying pets shuldn't nose dive and become moles because we said attack. Its a mapping problem of the contact points of the pet. They need to fix this. My damn fly plows gardens like a trencher and is near impossible to lvl.
  • usually every wed. if its not to much of a fix.
  • They do own the game. and its a F2Play. So play at your own risk. However they do their best to make it a fun game. They could allow it all together. That aside report them,,laugh when they get banned , soon enough between 1 and 8 strikes they lose account. A few minutes later they maky a new yahoo account and repeat. You…
  • Everyone Stop for now. Until they tell us were getting refresh items quit wasting our resources on the genies. Please gm's give us somethig in return. Can't afford to feed our genies for free. Thanx. Refresh affinities for FREE until bugs are fixed.
  • Ok maybe its simple math of height needing to be at such and such number. But My sawfly is a flying pet,,,yet it gets stuck on a clump of grass and hills and rocks.. Most noticable when it is sent to attack, basically it takes a nose dive into the dirt. Therefore anything on the ground stops it in its tracks. Cant the…
  • Why do we have to wait till lvl 90 quest for the affin reset stones??????? Its not enough that we simply have to eat the losses of raising genies and then have to purchase new ones. I'm on my 3rd Genie now. Raised 2 to lvl 30. Since this is something new you guys gave us,,,and their broken ALL OVER THE PLACE, and were…