this glitch is not really a glitch, you have to awit 3,5 hours to get 420 bishops wich is alot of xp, but 3,5 hours... and when you dont have the morai sin skill you need to occupy a sin and mp charm for 3,5 hours, honestly if you do normal fc you get xp way faster, but on the other hand you can do other stuff at the same…
**** off, ive worked hard to get first char to 101 had 2-3 shops open allmost 24/7 so i can afford geting char from 1 - 101 with weeks even without the fc glitch, so look to mirror, lazy bum, and work harder. the hard part is to get one char to 100+ then everything else gets easier instantly (if you have merchanticed and…
too sad that nrivana grinding is not that much, main money comes (in my case) from merchantising, making 5-20(depends on sales and stuff) mil a day by using things called brainzzz. Argument that YOU cant make money other then doing... nothing just bhs, dosent mean EVERYONE ELSE is useless bum. i didnt make the statement…
why are people so stupid and ignorant, the game revolves around TW. And in TW aps is pretty irrelevant. 5 aps archer will use bow in tw, not hes fists/claws....... Anyone who brings up mass pvp (wich tw is) then that is geting tottaly ingored. People are just jealous and butthurt that THEY dont have 5 aps sin. And no…
the aps is jsut fine in tw, wich this game is ballanced around. Show me a sin who just runs up to enemies and sparks and autoattacks, there is none.... thus full rank9 beats 5 aps by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
just patience, took 2-4 days to sell each mount i bought..
Well lemme explain how i did i had lvl 60 cleric sold everything from it for 8+ mil then i waited in trade street, just standing, checking chat now and then, othervice doing other stuff, school work etc, if i saw somone sell spurred mount for like 3,5 mil-4 mil(people desperate for fast money) i buy it put ah for 5,75-6…
sell the sof, use money to make money until you can afford herc, i cant imagine lvl 90+ to be without herc, since it takes like 1-3(not playing all day and depends on other stuff) weeks to get it, use your brains, merchantise and you get your herc soon enuff. Took me 3 weeks to merchantise to get herc at lvcl 47 without…