asdhajsdh Arc User


  • Reminds me of a saying, opinions are like asses, everyone has one, but not every one wants to see what's in em. Some are very appealing to look at, while others are just too disgusting of a sight to bear at all.
  • Back on topic, it's very unsettling to see people resort to fighting about little garbage that has nothing to do with my thread. Can we not make an unsightly scene, and get back to giving your opinions without fighting?
  • Like Bill Gates did with Windows :)? *Im gunna take your idea IBM and make my own huge company in a fraction of the time!!*
  • By the looks of your tirade, you sound like you've never done an endgame inistance. There are many endgame bosses that require much timing, strategy, and cooperation to overcome, IE Belial in HH2-3, (which I think is.. Ancient Evil: Lethal Vengeance here if PW database is right), which requires much team work to trump, and…
  • I know what FBs are, thanks man, was just curious about Bounty Hunter, thanks again. I meant the bounty hunter, is it unique to just this version of PW @_@.
  • A.K.A. a troll thread. OP just asks if people worry it will ever happen, but the repricussions of such an act would affect the community in such a detrimental way, (and there is no evidence this will ever occur) that it will most likely never happen :P. -Raine
  • What level do I need to be to start taking those kinds of quests on? And is this a feature unique to PWI?
  • @Umeru Apologies for being indirect, Im quite aware of the classes (names I abbreviated were their MY EN equivalents.) Subtleties aside, Im quite indifferent on which one I would like to play, my former class (Elf Priest = Cleric) is no longer my career of choice, as I would prefer something strong in both aspects of PVE…
  • Its for a house feature that was avaliable in the p2p version of PW, that may never see the light of day here.