arion700 Arc User


  • b:chuckle hey whoever is the wizard..can you tell me what genie is best for a wizard and why? :D
  • Im level 31. Magic = 129 Dexterity=5 still Strength=21 i think Vitality= 19 :( i heard that to be good in pvp wizards aren't supposed to use vitality, because we only get one point. So is this a fail build? In duels, i get owned by assasins like all the time.... Also, What genie is best for a wizard and why? I currently…
  • Did i mess up my wizard build? i have 19 vitality....5 dex still :(?
  • HI im a lvl 23 wizard...i made a new genie..(zeal) and i wanna know what skils would be suitable for me.My build is hybrid and i got one affnity on water, wood and ,earth .Please help. THanks.