altima Arc User


  • There are always bugs the first time around, that's why there is always many patches to try and fix these problems. It is mostly because when game designers design classes they have favorites of there own and usually end up overpowering them.. lol.. What can you say, we are all human.. (Well hopefully..) But spending a…
  • First off comparing a psychic to a archer who is fully geared with specific gear is ****. This forum is about mage vs mage... not Mage vs Archer. Second, I'm saying psychics are good and on par with the wizard. I'm not saying they are the best and outrank them. I said very little downtime. As a full Mag Psychic I have…
  • Psychics Soulforce is pretty much opposite of wizard barriers.... (In staid of taking less damage, you deal more damage.)
  • I've made a Psychic and I have to say there pretty cool. The spells are very fast and have decent mana consumption. So far my psychic can grind like no other, with very little downtime. I never really use potions, but when i do I'm a demon. Even though I never use pots, I still lvl faster and kill faster then most. This…