Agree with this guy ^^ , in open PVP wizards and clerics can kite u all day long (assuming they know how to). My rating would be (assuming same lvl range) Easiest ---> Hardest Archer/ Wizard / Cleric/ Veno not including barbs and bms coz itll come down to whos charmed or not, even then itll be a "who ticks the most charms"…
Calamities should last u till 90 without any problem, but at 90 u will need to get something better. Star axes are the poor mans GX, so unless u got 50mil lying around go for star...
My advice to u would be to stick to one path, axes in this case, till ur in ur 70s, then concentrate on fists... till then go full str, enough dex to hold axes, rest into vit. Later when ur happy with ur gear (sufficient sharded and refined) drop vit back to 30 or 50 or 5 (dont attempt that until ur 90+ with min of 6k hp…
Common classes to reach the 80s Most Common 1. Blademaster 2. Venomancer 3. Archer 4. Barbarian 5. Wizard 6. Cleric Least Common
Spiritual cultivation is the quests in Gold color u get at evry x9 levels... u gotta complete them in order to be able to learn new skills.. Each x9 culti unlocks new skills!
Congrats to CQ!! u guys deserve it! and every right to QQ/complain, coming this far with 200 ppl isnt easy! Let the rest weep on! << Ex-Conqueror currently rerolled on HL b:bye
How stubborn and/or stupid can u get lol? FICTION: 1. primeval stones are NOT "graded" - they are grade 12 FACT: 1. primeval/savant stones dont give any glow on weapons 2. they just give a sparkle on armor, just 2 stones will do. 3. you are one awesome troll! Hey looks theres 6 pages on this thread abt how wrong u are! on…
Desireee FTW!!
got to room 47 in under 20 mins, didnt have to restart it till then.. died there then restarted and kept landing in room 14, 18 and 48 over and over again till i eventually gave up... used up 24 mirages in the process....
"none of the above" should have been included in the poll -.- as already poitned out neither is good at pvp, but fists just suck at pvp (duels and cases where ur opponent doesnt have a charm is an exception) sword gets the vote on this one..
ur genie skill combination kinda depends on ur own build... and what u want ur genie to accomplish... attack genie? heal/support genie? famous genie skills for bms are tree of protection (who would say no to this awesome heal?), and tangling mire : just awesome for aoe grinding, and taking on other bms or barbs in pvp....…
aoe grind with a cleric... find same levels to quest in a squad with.. attempt cube...
barbs dont usually look good on a horse, but i gotta admit, thats a smexy pic ^^ 8.5/10 b:surrender
1.)-Which Char is the funnest meaning wich is wanted more into TT/FB/TW. BM definetely, Aoe stun is like a must have, very usefull for stopping cata pullers. 2.)-Who would win in a 1vs1? Venomancer = best solo class, 75% chance veno will win, more % if veno has a nix :/ 3.)-Which class makes more money? venos...DOH!!…
lvl 50 vipions above sundown or lvl 45 vipions outside etherblade...
most bms usually end up with only 2 paths, ans focus on 1 path till 7x, axes recomended... later prolly sword or pole im a axe/ pole hybrid myself....
wow..impressive lure .... b:dirty
epic fail......b:victory
current level cap is at 105
yeah mirages are also chi stones... havnt ever charged ur aerogear with mirages??. anyways mirages suck, perfect stones are way better, each stone gives abt 800ish stamina
evry 10 levels u get 1-10 lucky points.. 10/10 means u got all 10 lucky points at lvl 10, say 15/20 means u only got 5 lucky points at 20..
this calculation is merely theoretical, but not at all practical, techincally taking the average dmg isnt gonna work out coz that not how mch dmg u deal on a regular basis. fists have a low damage range therefore the actual attack is somewhat similar to the DPS uve calculated above, but axes have a very vast damage range,…
im 52.. my DEX is 100, vit is 19 (24 with eq), my hp is 2100ish, crit 7%, accuracy 1000, evasion 1100ish... yeah its a bit more costlier when it comes to eq, and tho axes arent the best dps wepn, they are the best at spike damage, exaclty what u need to kill same levels with charms equipped. and having so much hp isnt…
axes are the best for pvp, not only the stuns, if u go dex-axe build u will hardly miss on archers, insane for pvp and good aoe's spears are a pve wepn, spears require much less dex to hold than axes and go vit build, ur the 2nd best tanker to a barb, tho the added range helps ALOT in pvp in situations where ppl run away,…
haha ty for the quick reply b:victory, i did search but couldnt find any that answered my questions..... well atleast not all of it :D