_kaela_ - Raging Tide Arc User


  • -Log in -Talk to guild for several minutes -Roll Call -Crazy Stone (stopped recently at 80) -Roam aimlessly around Arch -Kinda, sorta grind maybe -If I find an instance to join, go if not, continue chatting with guild -Turn in Roll Call (and formerly CS) -Listen to youtube playlist -Check the ridiculous prices vendors in…
  • Run. Fast. And far. This place will end up like the other title from this company, a ghost town. I give this game 7 months/a year before it collapses onto itself.
  • Reason 1 why DQ nerfs have hurt a huge portion of the community: Grinding versus picking herbs/non-dungeon mats, simply put one is less boring than the other, plus herbs/mats take time to respawn, and on an even mildly populated server like mine you're not the only one with that idea so you actually have to race to get…
  • Shouldn't have given the wiz all his pots then. Every time I'm in a bh and cleric (or whoever) asks for pots I pretend like I speak another language. NO ONE gets my mana pots, especially my homemade ones. I don't feel it's necessary to explain just how much mana psys burn over all other caster classes. I need my pots,…
  • One word: underscores b:chuckle
  • OMG, me too, a floating bubble for mah fishmage :Pb:victory b:pleased b:laugh
  • I tend to fall in love with classes I have the most trouble mastering. I honestly don't like psychics, I grinded/bh'd with this one simply because it was like a wizzie on steroids. A list of my favorite classes from greatest to least would be (in order): 1: Wizard (fun class but too weak before end-game, becomes…
  • Response to tweakz the pimple faced adolescent troll: Add another 2 behind it (22). That's my age. When the resale value is decent enough to where at least a buyer can get their money back. A legendary mold should have value not only for use, but resale. Children, I swear...... But the majority of players that want the…
  • You're mistaken, I'm speaking the language only trolls understand. Kindness doesn't work on types like tweakz.b:laugh Everything else I already addressed and I really don't feel like repeating myself, but it seems like I have to so w/e. You are on an older server, my server is the oracle noob server, there are alot of rich…
  • Here's how ya do it like my (man?) tweakz: 1. Get urself a time machine. Go back to when in-game gold was 90-100k a piece and the cash shop didn't have packs 2. Lose all forms of communication with the outside world. Grind until you forget what year it is and you give up on making it to the bathroom. 3. Make sure you can…
  • Mkay, a little bored since I'm not playing anything atm, so I'll feed the trollb:chuckle Tell that to ppl that like to gamble/compete with the rich. And for one tokens of best luck aren't all you can win from the packs. The reason vendors can sell packs for ridiculous prices and still profit is because all foolish…
  • Find another game. If you're poor in RL (real-life) and don't want mediocre gear, etc and have a life which means you CAN'T farm 20 hours a day: run from this title fast and find another f2p If you're well-off in RL: go to a p2p game, the popular ones are pretty good, including some of the lesser known titles. If you're…
  • Mold > Supply stash weapon at lvl 50/80. That is allb:chuckle
  • *sigh* PWE and its lackees fail hard once again, oh well, when I get a better pc I can finally play guild wars b:victory
  • I have a tideborn main and EVEN I hate the majority of tideborns, sin AND psy alike. There is something about this race that draws in people with severe psychological defects----minus me of course, I'm a sweetiepie b:thanksb:chuckle
  • lol I didn't bother. No one is spamming my facebook with garbage, and this game is not worth it, it really isn't. If the in-game economy doesn't change, you will lose more customers/players than you could ever hope to get with this cheap gimmicky ploy to get more PWE.
  • I say keep it in the boutique indefinitely. Now ppl who vend those items won't make a profit anymore, the value of dyes or w/e the bidding hall sells will go up in price since vendors will see just how much the rich and well-to-do are willing to shell out to get it, the poor and those with modest incomes (you know, the…
  • Item linking, fine, now you can see what someone is trying to sell you, very, very good. Ugly fail text font is ugly and fail, CHANGE IT NOWb:angry
  • Ok people, stop feeding the troll. Anyone who is my age (21+) should not be arguing with a child. They have inferior intellect/knowledge/wisdom and for the underage troll on this particular forum, this game is the only life he/she has where things kinda go his/her way. b:chuckle Kisses to allb:kiss
  • With such low requirements to become a GM like what I just saw I see why nothing gets done, it leaves an open field for employee incompetence. I should apply to be a GM, but then again, I don't want to watch over a dying game from a dying chinese company that is dying because they flat out refuse to listen to the onslaught…
  • I've lost count as to how many ppl just ragequitted from this nerf/forum topic alone. I'm not ragequitting (I don't rage, I'm a calm person b:chuckle) but I won't be playing this game for a loooooooooooong while, not until I see some MAJOR changes in the immediate future. If they wait too long, I may just get hooked on a…
  • Brown-nosing the GMs will get you nowhere @ OP. Let them feel the heat, they have more power than you care to think, and what they can't change, they can relay back to their employers what needs to be changed.
  • It's simple, currency of any kind needs value behind it, The more currency is produced, the more items or w/e is of value needs to back it. W/O anything to back up new currency = inflated currency. It's not the coins that are what we aim for when we spend/grind/save/vend, it's the items that we can get with it. But when…
  • Of course PWE is trying to squeeze more money out of the playerbase, they know this game won't last as long as their competition, and they know it's entirely their fault. Their stock has fallen and their fanbase is slowly leaving or doing like me- camping out and waiting for a limited time to see if any change will happen…
  • I really think the GMs should quit if this job is SO HARD for them, or deal with the firestorm and make the best of it. Can't complain about customers QQing when you knew that was a part of the job, that's like being a police officer and being shocked you get shot at occasionally. And the ppl brown-nosing the GMs don't…
  • The majority are bored and disappointed but I'm not? So, because I have the sense to play a game I enjoy, and the others don't have the sense to leave a game they no longer enjoy instead of QQ'ing about nothing, no bonus for me? How sadb:cry lol what a jokeb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • lol NOT!b:chuckle Nice try though. I struck a nerve I see. If the game is boring, then stop playing it. Let us "lowly" non-oracle using pre-100 ppl that socialize and still have fun with the game do so, and you can go do....whatever is it that you do.
  • If you're playing a GAME of all things and you've spent x amount of time/dollars on it and you're complaining it's not fun (anymore), then it's time to turn off your computer and go outside. I've lvl'ed my main up to lvl 60, and I did it the hard way, no oracles whatsoever. I have fun with ALL my chars, and that's…