That is SO awesome! I wish i could be on your server to enjoy you :D I always wished to a thing like this.. Cleric powah :D
Armor set is AWESOME! *_* Plus.. to notice the 15k hp.. :Q__ Ah clerics ftw x3
Uhm.. skills look pretty cool :) And their prests too.. Besides i think it's almost sure that this will be released on 8 december.. the video shows it too :)
OOOOhhhh *___* It's pretty cool yeah xD I really like em.. they're cute *_* And they look like tb aswell.. :P
Yes of course i do.. DIE STUPID BARB YOU'RE NOT GOOOOOOODDDD *joke.. hahah* Just in extremes case.. Well truly i remember it happened just twice.. i Dont like when people dies cause of me XD But if you're such arrongant and keep offendig me.. well DIE <.<
-^ Seaseme Yuanxiao.. kinda expenisve i guess, compared to 75 one, but best way if u need BB up for long time. Totally agree with Allynna :)
Even if i dont like much the huge difference between min and max mag atk, Glaives here.. xD Usually they've got the adds i need :P
I was there! 8D Really fun :D We got a tour in archo then walked to Orchid Temple :D And then.. nanana! The race to ether :D *some fell down the bridge at the end :'( ahah XD* So fun.. :D
Can i tame you? o.o You would be a cuite pet yep :D I hope...
OMG I LOVE YOUR SIGN *____________* After this xD I totally agree on nine tail firefox :Q____________________
Really a good job Hope ^^ It's such a usefull list ;D And yeah it should be sticky :P Thank you :)
Thank you so much ^_______^!
O_O i'm just too surpised o_o really i never read something like that. On Wyvern i've ALWAYS used BB.. not just cause tank or anybody else has asked it to me.. I'm able to maintain it as long as the boss die without too much mp problems [cause of the pots of course xD] I just don't know another way to do it.. like i said…
I think i'll go this way. But that point on vit sounds me a bit useless.. >.< But my ego want me to put it.. xDDD I think i'll just make some money and find something which adds hp.. But you know, that vit point still torture me b:cry
Yup, infact sometimes, when i add str, mag is reduced to 5 points. Btw thank you.. ^^
As title says i want to give away this dress XD Crystal Love Dress color dark blue. Price: 750k.. You can either pm me in game XD b:bye
LOOOL Purple
Mouse! Absolutely xD i hate touchpad 16 or 14? xD
Truth.. >_> the thing who everyone should always say.. >_>
Credimi ancora - Marco Mengoni
Anatomy =O
Banned for beeing lvl 100 XD
Tell me - Wonder Girls
AAAAAAAAApples *Q*! Japan or Korea?
^ is right =D < is hungry T___T Want pizza! v can play volleyball very well u.u
Soccer *____* Im good at =D Go to a b-day party or stay at home with friend?
Banned cause i have to xD
Practise yeawn <.<
Banned cause i wanna dance too u.u