why do people still call TT HH(Holy hall) we are on the English server last i checked and if you press M on your keyboard, last i checked it said Twilight temple, i may just have forgotten how to read but eh who knows. for anyone not knowing why they call it holy hall thats because thats what the chinese translation to…
why does it seem the peanut gallery in this thread is from sanctuary is this on the sanct server symposium area or something i just checked new posts lol, merchanting can get you about anything i myself hate to do it so i farm w/e i can. people need alot of patience to merchant if ur home bored. this is a saying i like to…
Everyone Hates Bm's *ragequit* Q.q
first of all if you are gonna be a claw barb you ust be demon for it to be worth anything, you'll lose alot of hp as a claw barb s things you were once able to tank you might have trouble with afterwards. I personally dont like claw barbs, most claw barbs dont even get there demon/sage buffs even tho they need them for the…
no problem man you know for my BM Crones on the HT server i was seriously thinking bout getting rank 9 sometime just for the ring and axes for tw purposes. my sin is rank 8 already no cash shopping either. Im gonna end up using the Inferno-Heaven Ravager: Dark on my seeker at 99 until i can afford to get rank 8 on him.
for the most part i like the guide some stuff i would change would be in the lv90 and 99+ for gears. with all the rank sales we get and rep badges going for like 8-9k while sales are on why not have the chest and legs be rank 6 armor since GBA's are nearly impossible to get before level 95 with squads. also at 99+ the r8…
i say lies lies and slander!!!! lol sneak you know you wanna know too no one has tried getting all these gears even tho they say the cap is 5.0 doesnt make it true :| but yeah i figured it didnt say if you'd run in terror tho if you saw this and the aps could be achieved
you can live 1 day without bh dude you guys are all too dependant on bh to level...i say keep it out for rest of the day like they said they are and put public quest dude back in. cuz hes missing in action LOL
see head hunter if you werent busy posting on forums we wouldnt have this Q.Q session on our servers >.>
the reason no one hits past 103 is cuz all the high lvls here are lazy and do alot of pk or sell **** to make money none are wanting to level so the level cap will increase
hell yeah bowlin's got it oracle noobs just know how to hit something they know nothing about how to work in squads. Especially if its a new class.
tide wingas are better looking than a clerics wings personally...phoenix embrace would look like $HIT on a sin.b:sad at least you can fly guys if you would prefer it im sure the gms could take away the wings and make it a ground class only.