hey guys we probably have a double exp coming up. Perhaps these will be released with that. These Hyper stones are going to be horrible lol.
Then why don't I agree?
Not necessarily. Really depends on the company. Though even so, I assumed I wouldn't get an answer anyways lol. Just hoped on the slim chance I would. Edit: Besides it's already been shown that all the Gm's are, are messengers. It's not like him giving a response would change anything at all. People already have strong…
Hey spoons, if you could control the sales on anni packs, what would you do? Seeing as you've had to unfairly (yet fairly, cuz sadly, it comes with the job being a game/community manager) deal with the QQ from hundreds of people, I feel curious about your response.
Okay then. According to this the anniversary packs shouldn't have been removed on November 1st. However, When you read this: I'd say its safe to assume that most people would think once November hit, the anniversary packs would be removed according to that time frame. And in fact to most people's pleasure, and others'…
It does not say anywhere in the ToS that giving your acc information for some1 else to use is bannable. It basically seems to me that its at the users discretion and PWI is not responsible for any problems that may or may not occur because of it.
The problem with that analogy on the car, is that there are still better cars out there, that you may want very badly. This sale is giving away all the end game gear with little effort in the game. END GAME gear, the stuff that is the current best. Just given away at the sliding of a credit card. People don't need to work…
I use and do them both. I purely grinded from lvl 59-73 aside from dailies. Edit: I get more per an hour with an esoterica than it takes for me to set up a party for a bh and do it.
Tbh, I don't know why they thought the jolly jones event would drain in game coin. They made the dolls cheaper to obtain overall than spending the 100k. So coins were hardly spent. This event directly gives people coins and because of that people are able to keep buying and buying more packs, thus raising gold prices…
It lasts one hour.
Archers are the most expensive class... -.- But they meet all the other reqs you stated except cost. But they are able to fund themselves (Like all classes), just very little extra money.
Perfect analogy for this situation.
Good job pwi. You have successfully killed your legit players. People don't need to work to get their flawless and perfect gems anymore, no they just need to spend $1. And they get those if they are unlucky. If they are lucky they get millions upon millions of coins. Oh, and for those who don't want to spend rl money on…
I very much want to quit atm. But I think I'll hold out a bit longer. Every single week they put out some bs thing that makes everyone run to the cash shop and raises the gold prices insanely (400k on LC atm) On the old perfect world before they made this gold prices were at 2mil. I see this game going the same way so long…
Blue when i talk to a male character. Pink when I talk to a female character. Thats how its going for me anyways.
Bleh fixed. Hate that. Every other game's forums i go to I'm allowed to mention other games on it, but not this one.
Well after looking at bpet pack %'s in the pwi database... I calculated the average per a pack is 26.8. So you roughly need 380 or so bpet packs per a nix/herc which comes out to be 190g /w .5 gold per a pack. This is on average though.
Actually the bpet packs are still far cheaper, even with the slight rise in gold prices. I calculated it with an assumed average of 26.8 per a pack. But other than that, because the sale is on items that generally are at a fixed amount people who buy gold will really benefit from the sale =/. Whether thats good or bad, to…
Turn it on and have some1 try to stun you. If it doesnt stun you it works, if it does it's obviously not working.
Most likely one day. But you don't know until the GM's give an official post.
Good. But darn, after spending my gold I'm still 1700 feathers away from a nix.
Because last weekend the sale ended a day early they stated they would make up for that day in the near future. My friend, this is the near future.
See that's why they will most likely put hammers on sale at some point. So countless people buy them cheaply and make more profit off CoF and simultaneously PWI Will make loads and loads of rl money.
Good idea... turn an evil pk update into a profit maker =p
How lawlful.
A day is a lot bigger than an hour. There is kind of a breaking point on how screwed over you need to be to become completely pissed off. Because they said it would end sunday evening but instead ended late saturday or ~1AM on sunday, that will **** a lot of people off who for whatever reason had to wait until sunday to…
The more pw reputation the less rl reputation?
They better have battle pet packs on sale again... because I just spent money for zen just for those packs and came on and saw that they weren't on sale. GAH!!!