_Baalbak_ - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I'm a cleric too. And I still didnt need any help till fb19. As a matter of fact, it was always someone else asking me for help. I solo'd all my quests till fb19 and even some mini bosses after that. Honestly, the starter levels are simple.
  • can an uncharmed BM my level AOE grind on 6-8 Seaspray Bladewolves (level 78 mobs) with just one cleric switching up Heals/Razor Feather/Tempest? I think he would die personally, but I never bothered to level my own BM past 16. Only other toon I have over 30 is my 70 veno, which is pretty much retired now. barb is fun and…
  • I'm building as pure arcane so far just because I think that makes the most sense right now. I think this chart here - created by Cayeon - sums things up pretty well in regards to damage output and heals regarding different builds: granted your "survivability" may suffer a bit depending on how you build your gear though.
  • if you're looking to tele out of a TT you just solo'd - use town portal spell.
  • I'm a pure arcane cleric, rarely get hit when soloing unless its a ranged mob. IHB is my only heal I've really leveled. Vanguard is my main buff, and I'll be getting that +magic attack one as soon as it comes available. even though I only have like 600 HP and two attacks, im having fun with it. I pretty much solo to be…
  • i saw a fist cleric the other dayb:laugh
  • I just started this cleric a couple days ago and only played around on it for a few hours (double xp weekend made me level kinda fast). I've pretty much solo'd the whole way so far. Not having too much difficulty as yet. Just now getting to the point spirit wise where I have to kinda make the decision - healer or attacker.…
  • I'm not entirely sure why it works for you and not for others. Regardless of -channeling %, you still have to wait for the cool down before casting again. all that the -% channeling does is allow the skill to reach the "cast" stage quicker. from what I've noticed it goes: press button: channel begins channel ends: cast and…