Zombonica - Lost City Arc User


  • Actually if you aren't the ~50 people who either post all day on these forums, or World Chat their lives away you will not be known. These people think that everyone should ~and does~ care about their lives and give their play by play of it.. if you aren't one of them.. you are.... NON FACTOR-- therefore your opinion does…
  • Did you really expect anything less? This person has done everything they possibly can to fit in (see what they did to you?). They, who were once respected ~> wrote and spoke intelligently with their own thoughts now acts and uses the same stupid "asian" speak the rest of the kewl kids use (both in game and on these…
  • http://ominousclan.com/clan/e107_files/public/1256208121_162_FT0_2009-10-22_21-07-50.jpg Original pic Good job: Mercee, eXile_ZoN, Michelle, Pandomonium, ImSpartacus, Phildeeze b:chuckle