Zimgo - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • More or less true. Keep in mind that venos use p.atk for their foxform whereas Mystics don't, but need a lot of mp recovery instead (no need for -chan as a mystic cause most skills are ~0.5 sec chan already, and we have Rapid Growth) since most of our spells chew through mana way faster than any other class (ie. our pet…
  • That's because Falling Petals is yet another mistyped spell description. It currently reads: "The target regains HP equal to 714 plus 30% of your basic Magic Attack 9 seconds after being attacked. Lasts up to 1 minute." Where it SHOULD read: "Upon being hit, the target regains HP equal to 714 plus 30% of your base magic…
  • Luck isn't something I tend to have on my side, so hopefully my patience will make up for that :P. Thanks for the tips, luckily I plan on doing tons of TT's and other "[?]-boss" dungeons. I find that BHs and FBs, even though they give great xp, tend to get boring around 59/69 when you're basically "forced" by everyone to…
  • That's good to know, I was mainly worried that if I was tanking 4+ mobs at once and I used an AoE if it was gonna do 20%+ damage to me instantly, glad to know it won't :P. Can you tell when it does the zerk effect besides taking damage and doing more? As in, does it say something on-screen? Thanks for pointing that out, so…
  • That looks good too, seems a fair bit more expensive though because of increasing everything to +3, and seeing as I'm not cash shopping would I be able to make much use of that by the time I can afford it all before needing to upgrade to 9x gear? The immacs in the weapon would be ideal, but those can be around 1mil coins…
  • Good to know there are some barbs out there built the way I'm heading, I was starting to think that I wouldn't be able to hold aggro without a weapon equal to my level :P. Thanks for the modifications of the gear, it's appreciated :D. I think I'm gonna lay down a plan for level 100 and then work backwards through 90, 80,…