For one dude IF you were smart enough to pay attention to STA you'd know that it saps XP when you KILL the mob with it on over all you loose what 40xp? and thats a lvl 10STA My STA is lv 2 i tested it i lost ONE xp get over it plus before you go pointing the finger,you dont even know me you dont even know how i do FF i…
5aps XD i asked my friend they're refering too your gear but instead of a bow they use claws/fist,make sense? lol didn really make alot to me
Im so annoyed right now i had to DOWNLOAD and Reinstall PWI It worked for a bout 5 days and ffs it happened again,Gms what is going on exactly?
not even sure if i had to, lol put me down Boss :) Saturdays :) Zaw Out
DUDE Sin's DONT COMPARE to archers,archers naturally are faster,and more agile then sins,straight from lvl 1 sins use melee moves, no matter WHAT melee is still melee sins can't compare to a archers evasion (No offense to all the sins out there,im one myself) i remember this,when i started my sin,i cecked my evasion,then…
lol try this wonder around a starting Zone (eg-battlemark village) and just pick up the greese the noobies didnt ;) lol it works XD
lol yeah u got my support ^^ not sure what good it'll do tho lol i love the idea of having more races/classes :) instead of the same 3 races and the same 9 classes -.-
LOVE the idea i think it wud be awesome! lol have a new area to train in :D
LOL Keph I know u didnt expect it but you won it :D Gratz big fella! *Detonates* b:victory
i agree about clerics getting rewards i know i have been resed alot of times before i wish i cud do more than just thank them--my cleric friends traveled from one side of the map to the other just to res me i think they should get more than 250 coins and a spirit point i think it should be like 500~700 coins per res and…
thanks -.-;
Sweetness Love the kill count idea! /Sign
Yeah i like that idea,maybe have Monks,ninjas etc. i think it wud be awesome