Zairi - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • Hm if you mean if i can tell from personal experiance: No, since i dont dare to edit .ini files if im not 100% certain i wont loose my characters for that. Alot claim to be banned for it, here at the forums and some i talked to. Of corse they could have lied.^^; Just that "blury" state of that rule is annoying. Some…
  • There are stuffz i totaly want for my veno beeing a customization addict. Like the eyetexture from Earthguard for my Wizzy and my Veno. Some Hairstyles too, mainly for the better texture on it. Id realy want that too but i dont want to get banned for that. Seeing how that rule is only half enforced is just unfair. Some…
  • Eh im a Veno with neither Herc nor Nix.... The only Problem i see is that people will get even more insistent on the fact that i need a Herc. Makeing it cheaper unfortunatly wont change the fact that it is damn ugly and i still refuse to be accompanied by the ugly golden Ogre it is. :P Nix, well, i dont PvP much. Now make…
  • Hm this might be better placed in the Veno forums :O HA Veno here. First: I know that sounds weird, you putted points in vit. You have already not enough point those ~15 vit will kind of degrade your build. For hp youd want citrine shards in your armors and at later levels refine for more hp. +2 is just fine. Anyways you…
  • 1.) The Auction House "search funktion is down.. which sucks realy bad since if i want to look for Dark Pants of Hades have to search threw 5 pages of Legendary Clothings. :/ 2.) Genie Skills refuse to execute in following situations for me: If i am in combat and close to a Mob i try to get distance from, Holy Path will…
  • Oh, i should have read more carefully.b:surrender Thanks for the fast answer tho you saved me from getting burried under DQ items. b:thanks
  • Hm since it hasnt been answered yet i'll ask again: Will DQ items we sell while the page is down count to our DQP? Im getting a lil' space issue here because i dont want to take chances that i'll sell and loose points.b:surrender Nice new Website tho. Less eyeburning from reading Forums, if people stick to default Text…
  • Yes or that but right now its just amazingly expensive. No way im getting it the price it is currently. Makeing them available for DQP at maybe the price of a Mysterious chip aka 100 points would be nice. I grinded DQ items to get my NIX which isnt possible anymore since there are no NIX feathers for sell on the server and…
  • I vote for flying Rocks! :O
  • Ya... there.. is .. its stickied too... Rei's Guide ;-) And you wont find statpoint distribution tables there too, why is all written in that thread you should realy read it. HA Veno is not like "Ok i just make xStr, yDex and zMag every level and im good", again pros, cons, difficulties and more all listed and discussed in…
  • I looove the Catshop one. The Catshop on it actually looks evil.b:laugh The Psy is great! There should be one like that of every Class.b:chuckle
  • Depends realy alot on why i hate that person. :3 If its just someone i hate cos he/she always talkes amazing amounts of bs i just blist and do my job, means ill keep that person alive if its in anyway possible to me. If its someone who doesnt pull their wight in a squad (like sins stealthing to the boss let us kill and afk…
  • The thing is: the time you spend to get to the NPC, turn in, get quest and go back is only worth it/not makeing you loose profit if you grind realy close to the OMA quest giver. Many times you need so much time to get there that now with the DQ point system you basically loose the DQ drops you could have made when you just…
  • Since it just respawnes every 12h the time it spawns slightly varies and is subject to change. It has no fixed spawn time. ^^; If you knew that you might wanna write which Server your on like Scandalous already said. Since spawning times varys from Server to Server.
  • Woot 2 billion points max is quite enough.b:laugh Yay! I'll have lots of grilled Huggy Hares for the next week.b:chuckle
  • YAY! Makeover Scroll! Rep! Chips!! :D I love that System its great!! Realy great job! Finally im no more looked at like a lunatic for leveling via rinding and w/o doing BHs and stuff.b:laugh Realy makes me wanna charge up zen now. :P Great idea PWE guys who are responsible for that, just great! <3 I just hope there isnt a…
  • I may have a Herc someday if i ever can get over his uglyness, i doubt i will.b:chuckle And even if id probably still use: Pinky - Seamonster Guardian (more m.def then DW, same Att) SirBogle - Dark Wanderer (my main dps Pet) Pebbles - Glacial Walker (i swear he behaves..less intelligent...then the others) Soups - Eldergoth…
  • Hm but Patakas are slow (only 1 att/sec). :/ Im curious now what do high level HA Venos think of the Requiem Blade? I thought that one might be good and it is very cheap on my server i saw molds for just 150k.
  • I know im still a lowbie HA/AA Veno but for me it looks ok. And i dunno but i see 6800hp ...b:surrender Looking at the Wand and all the -channel i guess you mainly use Human form? I for myself would pay less for -channel and would look more into -int since i mainly use Fox. And prepare to get flamed. lol A thing i miss in…
  • Hm, you are a BM. If she used HA and Foxform she most likely had Bramble up. Some BM (lv70) insisted in duelling me (lv71 not even wearing my TT70 HA back then)once. I guess he wanted to see if his new Calamitys +4 can kill me with like 3 hits since i told him i duelled like 2 times before and he was busting how many venos…
  • Oh i didnt even know that. o.O Thanks for those numbers Solandri. :) +12 is kind of not gonna happen for me but maybe one day +8. :3
  • Uh i dunno but if i wanted 5 aps id go BM...just i dont like to play BM. Again i dont understand me as one of the leading DDs. I understand me as the chi/amp/purge slave in partys and yes i enjoy ;-) If im invited for DD they are probably after my Pets dps and not my own since Pets dont get that level diffrence dmg…
  • I have zero experience in PWI PvP so i kinda cant comment on the PvP thingy. I did duell an Archer and a BM but they werent realy trying. BM killed himself with his Cala Axes+4 i was perma stunned and casted like 1 thing in every of the 3 duells with him and the Archer was to lazy to run... :P Yes at my level i feel like a…
  • Oh.. yep its 100x Fungus sorry. :/ Depending on gold price it ma still be cheaper then a Cage tho.
  • You can get more "free" Pet slots. There are, after the hay quest, 2 more Quests for more Petbag space. One needs 50 Fruit and the other 50 Fungi. Since the Fungi start dropping arround 70 and the fruits i think arround 40 (not sure) you can always check the AH once a day. Sometimes you see those selling lower then usual…
  • I personally use a Dark Wanderer and a Glacial Waker. I think that haveing a dps pet and a Tank Pet in my Bag ready to use makes me way more valuable in a party. It might look hard to keep all the pets leveled but later it will get easyer since you level slower. If you grind alot for drops like i do leveling the Pet is not…
  • Necro...b:shocked Ebonfall like Desdi said read the stickied guide and search through the latest 3 thread pages there is alot of valuable info dug in there.b:victory
  • Somewhere Solandri posted a very good comparison for that but i can not find the thread anymore. XD I know i still have some time but i am already HA/AA and just recently got enough sp to get my nukes leveled. Swamp of the Wraights as pure foxform is such a pain... I will choose Sage. It seemes the p.def+ from Sage Fox…
  • Uh...i know silly question but: Unlike other magic mobs Qingzis attacks still count as magic even your in close range? XD I just wonder because i never noticed its casting animation as soon as either my pet or i tanked him at melee range. So i suggested hes slapping instead of throwing rocks at me or my pet.b:sweat Would…
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