Yzatel - Dreamweaver Arc User



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  • I don't normally post on forum pages (as you can tell by my post count), but after looking at your (awesome) work, I felt obligated to. I love what you're doing. I hope you continue to do it. I'm bookmarking this thread, looking forward to your next post :) :3
  • Oh hai prindy :3 nice vids
  • Got yourself an admirer waly :3
  • If we keep on discouraging people from playing the game, I don't see how the game itself will improve. Even if the game sucks, I've enjoyed my lower levels than the higher ones since I didn't have to worry much about equips and the like. And people still do lower bhs, just rarer than when you were playing.
  • I rarely post (as you can see with the number of posts I have), but I felt that I must voice out. Mostly because the OP's post basically summarized what I've felt for a while now. I know I haven't played for a while, around a year and a half, but I've watched by brother play when PWI came out. I remember seeing him quest…
  • Well I didn't say I wanted to go 5 aps unsparked (though I'd happily do so if I could achieve it), I just asked if it was possible. Nothing more. And another reason why I posted the build was because I wanted to inform/share it to the people who COULD actually do it.
  • I agree about that, but I just like having the thought that it's possible for sages to get 5 aps without windshield or relentless courage. I don't plan on trying to get that kind of gear, because I dont have the means to get those. Not even close. I'll just try and go with the normal aps gear :)).
  • Thank you so much Skai, that was helpful :)). Gluck on getting yours and I'm sure you will. Btw, awesome videos. I'm subscribed :D. I'd like to see someone soon having this kind of gear, it'd be cool to see.
  • I'd also like to know if this can be done, but I dont think it will. Philippines has its own Perfect World server (by Level Up games), so I think the UGC's here (Philippines) are for that server. I could be wrong of course. Can anyone confirm anything?
  • So I am very sorry if this was already mentioned, but does activations reset 24 hours after your last pause? Or does it reset like everyday at 5:00/0:00 server time? Really sorry, I just used my first hyper session.
  • Unfortunately, the quest that gives this items is not available anymore. Better find other gear to wear.
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