XxxTheKIDxxx - Archosaur Arc User


  • It doesn't have to be middle of the day...a suitable time ofc, which depends on everyone. Also if an early TW can work successfully why cant an early NW? One day out of two wouldn't make much of a difference. For those who cant make it regularly to the normal one would actually enjoy playing the game rather then struggle…
  • When I started I don't think the EU servers were running, that was a life time ago so not sure. Well whatever the case is that is not the point. Many people from all over the world still play in it including myself. It would be nice to have an early nw for those who cant make it to normal one.
  • As I am a demon archer its a nice skill for me, i like it tbh, too bad that the long cd (3min) and 2 spark cost make the use of it very limited. Alos I think it doesnt work fully as it drains most of my mana but its says it cost (135 mana) + sometimes it doesnt fire 5 volleyes as it said. That is why I kinda requested…
  • Exactly, all archer primal skill sux b:chuckle Maybe ɸFeather Armageddon is ok but I would rather have 2 close ranged melee skill then one that does exactly the same thing as wing brust Thefore, to make archers a bit more competitive and fun when it comes to pvp/pk/dule etc something has to be done with all epic cds or…
  • Thanks for your reply and I understand. It would have been nice if someone looked into this a bit more, its a genuine case. As for [Frost Splash], I have spoken to other archers some will not even get it, especially sage archers.
  • I am not trying to make one class stronger than others or my won class, infect I have 2 mains and play other classes too. When it comes cd archers have too many and during tw/nw/pk and some fun duels between friends things just doesn't flow compared to say if I was playing a sin. One duel and have to wait a lifetime for…
  • Thanks for the reply and this was directed at everyone not just mods/gms so pass it on ;p. I am seriously fed-up with all the long CDs which makes the whole experience not enjoyable. Used to be worse before with bv and awaken. I mean whats the point of working so hard to get a skill and cant use it when you need it. So…