honstly im a bow user so im a tad biast there, but the raw facts come down to this, xbow has more stable dmg longer range but **** speed, however uf ur a skill user that makes no differance to u so if u seem to be spamming skills and never shooting regular arrows ... which u probably shouldnt be go with xbow, bow my choice…
yea ull never run short of spirit, it just keeps going up while ur cash keeps going down, if i had the cash id probably max out all my skills at my lvl and still has excess but yea blazing arrow is nice but untill i have the extra cash to throw about my skills ill probably get bow mastry and the range skill first then…
well while we are at it, y go hybrid? is it for survivability, sooner or later ur gonna hve to be in a party doing aoe, and having a few mor vit will do no good if u dont have a cleric, in short ur gonna have to restat anywho, id probably stop adding to vit now, but then again its ur char u form it how u see it fit to ur…
i think reading this gave me cancer Y_Y
i dunno if anyone found this too but when i use vicious shot the person is stunned for the duration of the dot, i havent done any extensive resurch about it or anything but i was told a few tmes that after vicious they cant use skills or move it says ur frozen
nvm im thinking of wing guard,,, silly me but i still land a heck of alot of missess on mobs and they dont return the favour so im hoping wing protection gets a jump up soon
lol wings protection dosnt add to ur dodge....
lol i just think that if u are like miles away from the city and u see somone on pk dont ok them cause then they would have to fly ALL the way back, or atleast have see if there is anyone who could res them, i dont mind being pked but being pked when im like killing way off anglers village is just a pain to fly back, and…
im not sure y u would consider take aim a usefull skill, its cast time is painfully long and its dmg is painfully low i personally left it at 1
maybe its like a pre april fools joke... in december
well any extra dmg is good dmg im just saying its not a top priority skill, not like bow mastry or range skills
pretty much, and the fire dmg isnt a whole lot till WAY WAY WAY later lvls 25% of 300 on a dmg that isnt even constant isnt even worth it
lol yea there are
lol thats not true, if u look at it from the math point of view white wings have +0.0 right which would mean they would fly at the rate of ur flight mastry correct, and ur eagle wings have +0.5 right and if they dont get affected by flight mastry they should technicly be slower than ur white eings if ur mastry is lvl 5…
so in fear ur male might look ...unstright u skipped that and just went girl which according to u is manly???