am i in the squad!? b:chuckle
about 1hr 16mins. that was my a very fun TW. b:pleased
lol, i hate it when u gang me crazy...with a few wiz b:cry
Favorite moments: 1st TW for Caesar against Elysium. b:cute All the laughter in Caesar's guild chat. Greatest Achievements: helped build Caesar to what it is today. getting 2nd fairy. didnt spend a single cent on game. made HENGShop a popular blackshop. b:victory Biggest regret: cant make HENGShop more popular than it…
roflmao. pwned. dan, he was talking about the arch part, get a level 2 land before u guys talk about getting arch.
LOOOOOL!!! ok that was damn funny LOL! salad was... then i clicked the SS and its ''TOSSED'' lmfao. but seriously, i loved the TW. been ages since we have a 1hr+ war. and like we said, we were never better than enrage. even with cata adavantage we still lost.. so shewes u can stop the trashtalk. its not our 1st major TW,…
LOOOOOOOOOL ur info sucks.. or ur source sucks. lmao. we discussed in our forums which lands to defend cause we couldnt field enough ppl for 3 wars. and with 8 cata advantage... b:surrender go try defend it when we attack it next week then b:chuckle charms? lmao i can even supply the whole guild charms on my own, it isnt…
then let them leave and go enrage b:chuckle and like rocky said, we overestimated radiance.
what...? not me...? b:sad
omg no pls no.. i played archers cause i thought we can use claws and have super fast atk speed. and now u come out assasin class when im near end game!! omgggggg
ahtoot has +8 one, and yeah neo has +9 i think. lol. how can u not know them!!!! bah, i guess u always looking at vixenxlove u didnt notice others :P and dbora seemed like a nice person to me, didnt know he would do this kinda stuff..
and u rip 2 hrs of my time waiting for u then going off and tell me power fail!!! b:angry
<-- going in for 2 years.. good game.
b:cute i will miss the time together. b:kiss and thanks alot :D:D just come to the TW alone next time not to fight but to spend more time with me b:victory
u all spent like 500k WCing...when i cant even afford my CS b:cry donate some to me before u start those WC spam u rich people! b:thanks
b:cry not missing out on tw kills, but missing out on lots of fun..
yeah thanks, it helps, but why is mine so small? how do i make it bigger
im a noob, but a elf :(
assault is good i thinkb:surrender at least they fend off tien. not bad for a new guild on the map.
expensive? no i think they are too cheap. they should make skills more expensive to level due to the inflation jolly events caused.
yessss tao have more experience than us!!!! becos enrage wont defend against us! b:sad killer, the core members are always the same. we do not want the pay. but u know as the guild grows bigger, not everyone in the guild will have the same thoughts anymore. b:cry i only got 2 more weeks = 2 more TWs before im going to the…
lmao b:chuckle
yay i predict another 5mins TW for us. so over a month now without action. this game is getting boring. back to vending 24/7 again i guess? when can enrage give up other lands to defend against caesar? im really missing the fun tao/radiance are getting..
whoops, sry if u thought i was talking about u, the part where i said dont put words in our mouth was for vezz.
im chilling bro. if u think im mad at words.. haha. this is just a game, true. then stop complaining about it. i see u QQing in every thread over us taking free lands. i wont deny that they are undefended. and yes we only got a few REAL TWs. but its enrage/radiance to choose who to defend. so dont say we take free lands if…
still if they are in the same party, they will get same exp -_- doesnt answer his question there.
agreed. 10 char
anyone can tell ur QQing becos we took ur lands which u COULDNT defend. note: u cant defend it, not u wont. face it. u HAD to give up lands we attacked cos u know u couldnt defend it. not that u dont want to. u QQ about us taking free lands? why not defend us and not others? u call us lucky cos nobody defend us? we werent…
yeah so true. jolly event makes me so much. i spent like what? 50mil to invest and made 70mil profit. and yes im at endgame with over 400mil coins without spending a cent on the game. so its not impossible to get +12 without spending real $ b:bye
tell me which caesarian said we are the best in server. we did say ourselves we are NOT the best, tao enrage are better than us. so stop putting words in our mouth -_- and when we beat radiance in 1v1, we only had 2 lands which both were taken from elysium. they werent the 5th strongest, they were like 2nd strongest at…