Xane - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • If you're meaning you havn't seen other races, like you are human and you havn't seen any elves, its probably because each race starts close to there own home city, and later in the game the races end up meeting at a singular city. With the adding friends bit, are you both online at the same time? because you can't add…
  • Hey Kestral, this is Xenaphis but obviously not because it is a different person posting! :D anyway i decided i didn't like BMs anymore and went for a Barb instead and have enjoyed using it so I will be sticking with him. I will be sure to add you in game next time I'm on :D
  • Hey there :) I am not part of any faction or guild, I generally solo most of the time, doing quests and whatever else seems to need doing during the game. As you can see I am also a barbarian, a lower level than yourselves, but I hope to be a bit higher soon. Anyway my point is that I am much like yourselves, definitely…
  • Go for a Blademaster then. Alright Damage, not bad HP, got some alright skills for stunning etc. and can hold its own on its own. I was a BM until I decided to start again as a barb because I liked the idea of changing into a tiger and flying on a manta ray instead of a flying sword lol :)
  • Hey, common guys, Its a contest for people to have a go at creating some artwork and fan art to show off to the pwi community. It doesn't matter if you win or not! Its just some fun :) Also just because most of the winners were hand drawn this month does not mean the judges favor any kind of art in particular, it just…
  • Ence you are like a dream come true. It must have taken so much work to do just one of the sections, and for you to keep going and making more and more.... You are amazing. Kudos to you Ence, love the guides. I've only just started playing and I've gotten so much help from them already. Thank you so much :)