XXHotXx - Morai Arc User


  • did anyone figured out if the ignore physical defense ignore elemental resistance astrolabe adds are in flat value or in % value? If so what is the max values for those adds?
  • 5500-6000 you get them if you have an S set of cards, mag atk engraves gives you a way better return in base damage in case of full buffs, since buffs increase % weapon damage, now point is, are you a player that goes into pk\pvp on self buffs?
  • shots fired? no it's not like that anymore and i am lazy to update the mypers thinghie also do you actually know that over 900mag, adding +mag atk on engraves f.e. gives better returns? Yea average gears right, list me all wizards of your knowledge with relevant S card sets ahah And then why 1 month ago there was a huge…
  • yup, i would've exchanged for a DoD instead... how's this going to work? Who purchased 500+ packs will receive a DoD\DoT in the mailbox? Or do we get Forged Principles? Is this automatic?
  • do you have a wiz on your server with nuema portal set? really? then i am not the best geared wizard anymore xD but such a waste doe that 73-75k on full buffs and moon's ring right
  • the fact is that i (and many others) bought that amount of packs specifically to get at least some granted coin return from the Forged Principle items, and you really have to praise god if you dont have a server error opening stacks of 100+ packs.. also the fact that opening trades deletes them or that the npc don't even…
  • wow this is most useful advice i found for our common problem... keep going on like this mate, toxic forum heroes like you are the reason why the most brilliant minds around here barely bother watch the forums anymore
  • i've bought 800 packs got server error @ 460ish opened a ticket, got replied this: gg wellp
  • high chi gain? not even sage has high chi gain just look at assassins thats high chi gain xD and we are also high chi consuming pretty much any "main" wizard skill costs 2sparks i tried many and i am sticking with holy path expel ad eruption fist spark wind shield lvl 1 fortify lvl 1 cloud eruption lvl 1 no aquaflame why?…
  • next patch boundary + nuemas will add like what 900 spirit? thus reducing spirit gap effectiveness calculated 100 spirit diff will give a 0.02% return (long-term wise) while 4 def levels will give a 0.04% considering that 4 def will be upgraded into 8 -> 0.08% return -> i went for full battlement
  • i've noticed that if i 3spark with this build http://mypers.pw/1.7/#142841 i can most of the times hiero bug with gush pyro crown of flame macro
  • it seems the auto-pots functioning is unchanged so far
  • but the chances to drop them is ridicolous doe, ppl on my server has been constantly dropping goodies in the past 8 hours and not a single Yaksha\Battlement
  • Yaksha and Battlement Stones are in game and encyclopedia but none is dropping them and there is no option to upgrade them @ the wang tsai npc did they remove them?
  • its not that kossy, all the drops are different\missing
  • activated charm gets first skill -67% damage charm activates, 10 s charm cd starts get second skill -67% damage get third skill -67% damage get fourth skill (if you have dps) get fifth skill -67% damage charm activates 10 s charm cd starts not game breaking?
  • the new def charms and the way you can obtain them (basically for free) are game breaking some classes can barely land 1 skill between 1 def charm cooldown and the next tick, giving those charms 2 ticks its absolutely ****
  • you know i was discussing this thread with some other pretty experienced players on teamspeak and i've been asked why do i even bother posting on these forums... it's really no use, it seems that endgame pvp happens only on my server cause the lack of clues of some guys here is really impressive lets suppose someone with…
  • same gears intended as same level of gears: endgame again the more you add magic attribute to the equation, the higher the gap in base damage it will be a wizard in ice shield + moons embraces gets oneshotted by a dagger throw i can tell you that by experience also i forgot to reply at the another same comment "eh but you…
  • and thats where you wrong if you add engraves that will actually add attributes, psychic will always have more base damage due to his weapon damage being superior and if the future for pwi reserves us more attributes this difference will become a lot more significant also as i said its not just a matter of pure gears,…
  • i dont get your point, its 99 atk lvl less and so what, it completely denies the second best component of some endgame one damage output psy will? it's still better than facking nothing lol and all the skills that demansfairy listed which effect can possibly have on a target that instead of being immune to physical damage…
  • its not entirely like that, psychic can viably go into mag ring cause he can pop psy will, he also has white and soul of silence when wizard goes into mag ring he loses tons of p.res that scale with stone barrier, we dont have escapes like psy will white voodoo and sos, we lose p. res -> we become squishy its a combination…
  • hello i have an S set and still have lower damage than psychic there you go a psy with my S set http://mypers.pw/1.7/#136248
  • a full endgame wizard on random S cards is around 50k base value, a psychic with same gears is around 65k lets's say undine spark would reduce psychic's fire resistance from 50k value (92%) to 36k value (90%) which is in fact a 20% damage amp 3spark will increase wizard's base damage to around 70k value 70k+ its 20% x2…
  • but its not a bias Kossy, there is only 1 class that has main damage skills' channeling\cast times superior to the 3-4 seconds mark and the hits that the DPH class delivers has more or less the same damage value of the hits the DPS classes can deliver your logic is correct if DPH class would actually deal double the damage…
  • wow citrinus is dispensing knowledge on the forums yey b:victory actually it's possible to recast assassin ring of trauma into f.e. archer's R9 NW ring so yea it's a bug and can happen
  • why did they fix this forum if they are planning a migration? also i bet they fixed it unintentionally by messing around here and there b:laugh
  • well if A is DPS class and B is DPH class is more likely this Person A deals 1 dmg every 2 seconds Person B deals 1 dmg every 4 seconds and i don't want to go into the argument again on how DPS classes can actually even outDPH the only DPH class left in game