XDarkFlames - Raging Tide Arc User


  • IKR. :D say it out loud.. its awesomeness. b:laugh
  • teheheheheheheheh. oh youll get a present. Imma go Odysseus on all yo' behinds! I have the sheep ready and everything. :D
  • alrighty.. havent had internet for the past few days... (/week) LOL sooooo gonna start on finishig those siggys in the next couple days.. im pumped! :D
  • Truthypoo.. tell me you dont like it ;D <3 you know you like it. b:cute lolol P.S. @ Everyone else sorry im being so slow on these last batches .. been busy with work/ settling my life down n stuff.. ugh.. ill get em done asap tho. <3
  • where as i understand your waryness.. not everyone ingame is as trustworthy as you or I. Which is why im going to require payment.. or at least half of the payment b4 hand. Neither of us wants to be scammed. But if i make an exception for you id have to make one for everyone. and as i said.. not everyone is trustworthy. I…
  • I just want to point out that the equation in your siggy means nothing. Its a representation of a formula for the limit of a line or family of lines extruding in the z direction from a plane of two dimensions... which according to the math of the open ended family of limits you express .. doesnt exist... ijs
  • @Pew.. ok ill throw some prototypes together an see what you liek best. @Rawrgh... If you read my post directly above yours. I am no longer doing free siggys.. <3 so if you want me to prototype/make one for you plz mail me 1m ingame to xDarkFlames with a description of what you are looking for. P.S. to any and all works i…
  • Under where it lists the forum extensions etc etc.. there should be white letters that say "User CP" from there select "Edit Signature" and then scroll down. Copy paste the link i gave you into the bar under "Option1" and click upload. then click "save signature" . <3
  • @Cadi here ya go... tehehehehe.. it has helloiluvzu <3 in it... but i dont think thats the real message. :D <3 http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss264/DarknessFlames_2009/cadisiggy.jpg @Schampoo.. yours might take a while longer.. while schampoo is an awesome character n all.. i cant really find any "sexy positions" that…
  • @Cadi n Schampoo .. on it .. and cadi any idea of what you want IN your siggy... other than the quote? or you wanna give me creative reign? teheheheheh.
  • @Pew_Pew.. Ok heres what i got! >:3 its all about the bunnies... http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss264/DarknessFlames_2009/pewpew1.jpg
  • @Pimp.. hope you like it b:cute http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss264/DarknessFlames_2009/pimpsiggy1.jpg
  • Ill see what i can do. <3 b:cute
  • huh?? >.> /10 char
  • @Ubique... done bro ill send you a link on your profile too <3 b:victory
  • @Riney... wellll this IS what you asked for.. b:laugh <3 http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss264/DarknessFlames_2009/Rineysiggy.jpg
  • @Esuna... Im just starting to grace the scene of pvp.. doesnt mean i dont duel all the time.. and im one hell o' a tank sin .. ijs. <3 @Boogie.. this is a really simplistic siggy for me. I threw it together in about 5 mins. Some Cropping here, text there, little after effects and then merged it to a smart layer. I use PS…
  • @Kali... I nvr said it was :3 @Hope... Well my services are server specific. AND isnt this like a general forum for our server... so /win... right place <3 @Tony.. :)
  • @Riney... uhhhhhhh you know what .. i like a challenge. xD Ill make you one. @NR... I do it all the time... You just dont see me do it. *o* b:victory @Kali... Me duh. :3 b:laugh
  • To get down to the point; This post is meant to insult, degrade and slap some btches around. So if you disagree with any of that but actually resect my opinion as an adult, please read no further. 1)Making a post about a group of people on an online game being immature and irresponsible is in itself a hypocritical…
  • Ugh.. i coulda swore Dara was suuuper ****. what is the world coming to if hes only a little ****? such a paradox... b:question sigh
  • To be honest it depends on playing style. DD = most damage (4dex, 1str) Hybrid= most flexible (3dex,1vit,1str) Tank1= most hp (2dex,2vit,1str) Tank2= most defensive(5dex,3vit,2str) The problem with a pure dex build is that you tend to over DD (ripping aggro in the process) and you tend to die quickly at higher lvls against…