Wasanasong - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Its because the mobs you fight are "possessed" by wraiths. After you catch and tame it you have cleansed it of the "wraith". Hence it looks different. Example, the minkii's have these dreads with skulls around thier neck as a mob. After catching and taming it is gone. I was kinda disappointed after catching a minkii. The…
  • TBH marriage in game is the single silliest thing 2 people can do.
  • What do you mean exactly? The "tier" of armor? If you are low level why would you be able to wear high level armor? Or the kind of armor? Anyone can wear any armor they want. Wizards can wear robes, light or heavy armor. Same with Blademasters and so on. You just have to meet the stat requirements.
  • Why would you grind for hours to get them anyway? I made 100 of them on my second try at the craftsman. Does that mean I made a check for 1 million coins? BTW, I dont think its an exploit. If it was the dev's surely would have caught on by now. I mean all through the x-mas event there were many many many veno's, barbs, and…
  • If you have read the story behind the game, you would have noticed why more classes aren't available. As was said earlier in the thread, while Barbs can wear robes, and archers can be melee, those cannot learn the spells or skills associated with wearing, or fighting style. Maybe at creation they could give a choice for…
  • I dont think it would work. I could see some people getting mad at someone in game and flagging them as a botter. It would just waste GM's time to root out all the "bad" flags.
  • Thats true. If you read the desciptions of items they tell you what they do. Fur will always say if its a crafting mat or DQ or "something from a beasts body". The something from a beasts body means worthless and just sell to an NPC. The Budda's hands are worthless as well yet thier description can be misleading. They say…