VyperionV - Lost City Arc User



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  • I am sure these questions has been asked before but i simply don't have the time to read all the posts in this thread so i will ask: 1)If i am level 103 should i go to 105 before reincarnation? 2)I heard about historical leveling system...does that mean my old level (103) is stored in some database and i can keep leveling…
  • Agreed...i want to have a chance to use it too.
  • Punishment? Rolling back 2-3 days is not a punishment. This is a game and you are a player. You play the game to have fun...therefor...If u played these days it means u had fun...and if there's a roll back...you will have fun again. It's as simple as that.
  • I do not have the patience to read all the lines so i guess what i am about to say has already been suggested by other people but still...i'm going to write what i am thinking: Probably a roll back is not the best solution but since most players agree with it... I think it's an easy fix for this inconvenience. Some people…
  • You are right...it should ....but in my option each slot should be assigned to a hotkey. Currently there are 17 hotketys (not counting genie shortcuts). I really dislike pressing V every time to roll hotkeys. In PvP, waiting for the right roll or clicking with mouse leads to defeat.
  • There! I modified the "extra information". In my opinion this is the exact place for my post because Quality corner is about improving the quality of the game. That quality starts with players.
  • I'm not sure you understood what i ment...In order to use such a mouse in pwi, the game must allow the player to set hotkeys first. There are 5 columns with 9 slots each and 3 rows with 8 slots each. That means a total of 69 slots available. U can attach one skill to each but you can only turn 17 of them into hotkeys. What…
  • You are right! It's not a bug....but it would definently improve the quality of the game for me. It was deliberate to post it here and not at the suggestions topic even tho...perhaps this is not the best place for what i wrote.
  • It would be a good idea for people to be able to move their characters on another server since all not all players can benefit from events because of a simple factor: different timezones. After investing so much time, effort and money into their toons it's hard to part with them and start all over on different server.
  • I love the archer skills honestly....but isn't stealth assassin's advantage because it has no range? Besides if seeker gains +31 awareness lvl...doesn't that mean they can see max lvl sins with lvl 11 stealth? Not even other sins can do that. I am surprised to see such a turn of events for assassins. It makes their stealth…
  • Doesn;t mean i don;t know how to play either. Though that ain't the topic here.
  • What does this have to do with stupidity or intelligence? Draw a line between game and real, my dear! If all the ppl who don't agree with you are stupid then you have a serious problem. What's the point in lvling slow? Some people can learn a lot about the game by lvling fast. You don't have to take ages to learn how to…
  • Insulting means i touched a sensible spot. Make sure no veins pop other wise u will be the first archer that uses Blood Paint.That person was asking...i answered. Nothing included you. If you do not agree with my advice just say it and then keep silent! If you don't count it as a built then it doesn't mean all should think…
  • Well..ofc u said nothing about WoG. I just offered an alternative to sage spark. Better damage reduction. 5% more. If you have 5 aps you get chi fast so you can afford using WoG+Spark If you don't have 5 aps then you kill slow and you will want to get it because the faster you kill the safer you are. I will not discuss…
  • Ok...perhaps i didn't express this correctly. Thing is that each person has it's own playing style. I didn't say that he MUSTN'T learn skills. I just said lvling can be done easy without because: -mobs die easy and if you hyper on them u get enough xp fast. -in bh most archers i went with only atk with normal hits and use…
  • Perhaps they updated it. What i said was that in the begining there was no such thing and that private servers use old malayesian database. In all the private servers i've been i saw no such thing. Besides that there were some stones in database that give +15 agl and +20 con. I never saw them in game. Perhaps database and…
  • Dude take that brush out of ur *** and let ppl express their opinion! Thank you! Worked for me on many servers, including this one so why not share it with other ppl? Nobody is forcing you to agree or follow my advice.
  • There are other weps but idk the name on this server. Besides, -0.2 interval doesn't make anybody interval built. It's insignificant comparing to full interval built. I reffered to the dmg f this wep alone. Nobody forces you to take the armor top as well. If you can +12 a wep u surely have cash for the rest u…
  • I tried this many times so this is what i advise you to do: 1) LVL blazing arrow! 2) LVL Winged Blessing 3)LvL Bow Mastery You don't need other skills. Perhaps stun. Don't place points on vit! Just go pure dex and get the str u need to wear items! You will be a killer. I consider this best built. Fast killing and also fast…
  • Forced stealth has 90 second cooldown and the best stun, the one that comes from distance, has 180 second cooldown. All stuns reqire chi and the skills that refill it have cooldown too. If sin forces himself into stealth mode you can start jumping like a bunny until sin reveals himseslf. If he atks from air while you jump…
  • You did mention so much is true i didn't contradict you here. I know you didn't reffer to max interval u can get but honestly now...what's the point in geting only a part of it? High aps archers first go for those items that offer them interval then start refining wep. As DD archer with no interval i suggest geting a good…
  • I didn't fight enough psychics either but i advise to have wings of grace on when you hit them because you will get stunned when ur arrow touches them (first atk after their buff) As for sins....if you jump like a bunny you can make them stun you in the air. By the time they open wings and start atking, their stun is over…
  • Physical imune bosses exist. If map will be reset you will find in TWs as well. Idk about mobs on this server but i am sure bosses exist. Tome = 400 mil. That costs alot LG= 75m ashura arm= aprox 20m ashura leg = aprox 30m i can continue with nv leggings, lionheart necklace and belt and best of all rank equip (bow and…
  • From what i know Malayesian pw (that is the base of all pw private servers) is the oldest version. That doesn't have LG an tome with interval. 1)ok 2)Having fun comes from pvp..i want to have fun so i need to pvp in order to have fun XD 3)ok 4)i reply according to the way ppl talk to me About claw EA...i don't advise any…
  • Archer has 4 metal skills and they can be used on physical imune mobs that debuff bllazing arrow or cancel pots effects. Also an archer that lacks aps will rather use metal skills if his dmg is high especially if he is in a team that has a cleric who DD. But as i said team player status also applies to TW or team vs team…
  • 1)b:sweat Did u rly have to answer this line? Confirmation is kinda useless 2)A lot of ppl "need to pvp". I came to LC and i didn;t choose HT because of the need to pvp. If you know archers who pvp without interval then good for you but i do not understand how that relates to my post. If you read correctly i wanted to…
  • I won't read all the calculations. Game has specific values such as 2,2 ; 2,86 ; 3,33 ; 4 ; 5. But even though it shows 4 you don't actually have 4 interval. http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/ use that link and compare the interval you get there with the interval you get in game. There was a math progresion that calculated the…
  • It's expensive to make a demon EA btw...interval items cost a lot and if you want to go interval built you either complete it or you don't start doing it.
  • Best debuff is trully 20% hp reduce but you can't deny the fact that the others are more or less usefull too. 20% defence decrease is splendid! It also comes with tons of dmg and if you do it after metal debuff then hmm..you can kill your target with the other 2 metal atks. As i said before, sage EA is more a pve than a…
  • As many people mentioned before, xbow has best atk and lowest interval, slingshot has best interval and lowest atk and bow is somewhere in the midle. If you take a good look at your interval when you are low level you will notice that there is not a big difference between bow and xbow. The difference of interval will come…
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